Stephen Stehman
Stephen Stehman
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
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Cited by
High-resolution global maps of 21st-century forest cover change
MC Hansen, PV Potapov, R Moore, M Hancher, SA Turubanova, ...
science 342 (6160), 850-853, 2013
Good practices for estimating area and assessing accuracy of land change
P Olofsson, GM Foody, M Herold, SV Stehman, CE Woodcock, MA Wulder
Remote sensing of Environment 148, 42-57, 2014
Selecting and interpreting measures of thematic classification accuracy
SV Stehman
Remote sensing of Environment 62 (1), 77-89, 1997
Global land change from 1982 to 2016
XP Song, MC Hansen, SV Stehman, PV Potapov, A Tyukavina, ...
Nature 560 (7720), 639-643, 2018
Making better use of accuracy data in land change studies: Estimating accuracy and area and quantifying uncertainty using stratified estimation
P Olofsson, GM Foody, SV Stehman, CE Woodcock
Remote sensing of environment 129, 122-131, 2013
Quantification of global gross forest cover loss
MC Hansen, SV Stehman, PV Potapov
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (19), 8650-8655, 2010
Design and analysis for thematic map accuracy assessment: fundamental principles
SV Stehman, RL Czaplewski
Remote sensing of environment 64 (3), 331-344, 1998
Humid tropical forest clearing from 2000 to 2005 quantified by using multitemporal and multiresolution remotely sensed data
MC Hansen, SV Stehman, PV Potapov, TR Loveland, JRG Townshend, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (27), 9439-9444, 2008
A meta-analysis of remote sensing research on supervised pixel-based land-cover image classification processes: General guidelines for practitioners and future research
R Khatami, G Mountrakis, SV Stehman
Remote sensing of environment 177, 89-100, 2016
Conterminous United States land cover change patterns 2001–2016 from the 2016 national land cover database
C Homer, J Dewitz, S Jin, G Xian, C Costello, P Danielson, L Gass, ...
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 162, 184-199, 2020
Key issues in rigorous accuracy assessment of land cover products
SV Stehman, GM Foody
Remote Sensing of Environment 231, 111199, 2019
Global land cover validation: Recommendations for evaluation and accuracy assessment of global land cover maps
AH Strahler, L Boschetti, GM Foody, MA Friedl, MC Hansen, M Herold, ...
European Communities, Luxembourg 51 (4), 1-60, 2006
Sampling designs for accuracy assessment of land cover
SV Stehman
International Journal of Remote Sensing 30 (20), 5243-5272, 2009
Accuracy assessment of NLCD 2006 land cover and impervious surface
JD Wickham, SV Stehman, L Gass, J Dewitz, JA Fry, TG Wade
Remote Sensing of Environment 130, 294-304, 2013
Estimating the kappa coefficient and its variance under stratified random sampling
S Stehman
Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing 62 (4), 401-407, 1996
Mapping and sampling to characterize global inland water dynamics from 1999 to 2018 with full Landsat time-series
AH Pickens, MC Hansen, M Hancher, SV Stehman, A Tyukavina, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 243, 111792, 2020
A strategy for Es g the rates of recent United States L---$ cover changes
TR Loveland, TL Sohl, SV Stehman, AL Gallant, KL Sayler, DE Napton
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 68 (10), 1091-1099, 2002
Massive soybean expansion in South America since 2000 and implications for conservation
XP Song, MC Hansen, P Potapov, B Adusei, J Pickering, M Adami, A Lima, ...
Nature sustainability 4 (9), 784-792, 2021
Forest disturbance across the conterminous United States from 1985–2012: The emerging dominance of forest decline
WB Cohen, Z Yang, SV Stehman, TA Schroeder, DM Bell, JG Masek, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 360, 242-252, 2016
Surface water extent dynamics from three decades of seasonally continuous Landsat time series at subcontinental scale in a semi-arid region
MG Tulbure, M Broich, SV Stehman, A Kommareddy
Remote Sensing of Environment 178, 142-157, 2016
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Articles 1–20