Yasunori Akagi
Yasunori Akagi
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Cited by
A fast and accurate method for estimating people flow from spatiotemporal population data.
Y Akagi, T Nishimura, T Kurashima, H Toda
IJCAI 3293, 3300, 2018
Video magnification in the wild using fractional anisotropy in temporal distribution
S Takeda, Y Akagi, K Okami, M Isogai, H Kimata
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Spatially aggregated Gaussian processes with multivariate areal outputs
Y Tanaka, T Tanaka, T Iwata, T Kurashima, M Okawa, Y Akagi, H Toda
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019
PBG at the NTCIR-13 Lifelog-2 LAT, LSAT, and LEST Tasks.
S Yamamoto, T Nishimura, Y Akagi, Y Takimoto, T Inoue, H Toda
NTCIR, 2017
Integrated optimization of bipartite matching and its stochastic behavior: New formulation and approximation algorithm via min-cost flow optimization
Y Hikima, Y Akagi, H Kim, M Kohjima, T Kurashima, H Toda
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35 (5), 3796-3805, 2021
Online Matching with Controllable Rewards and Arrival Probabilities.
Y Hikima, Y Akagi, N Marumo, H Kim
IJCAI, 1825-1833, 2022
Exact and efficient inference for collective flow diffusion model via minimum convex cost flow algorithm
Y Akagi, T Nishimura, Y Tanaka, T Kurashima, H Toda
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (04), 3163-3170, 2020
Price and time optimization for utility-aware taxi dispatching
Y Hikima, M Kohjima, Y Akagi, T Kurashima, H Toda
PRICAI 2021: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 18th Pacific Rim …, 2021
Analytically tractable models for decision making under present bias
Y Akagi, N Marumo, T Kurashima
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 38 (9), 9441-9450, 2024
An improved approximation algorithm for wage determination and online task allocation in crowd-sourcing
Y Hikima, Y Akagi, H Kim, T Asami
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (4), 3977-3986, 2023
Probabilistic optimal transport based on collective graphical models
Y Akagi, Y Tanaka, T Iwata, T Kurashima, H Toda
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.08866, 2020
Optimal Transport with Cyclic Symmetry
S Takeda, Y Akagi, N Marumo, K Niwa
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 38 (14), 15211 …, 2024
Price and Time Proposal Optimization for Ride-Hailing Services Based on Individual Utilities
Y Hikima, Y Akagi, M Kohjima, T Kurashima, H Toda
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 38 (1), C …, 2023
Non-approximate inference for collective graphical models on path graphs via discrete difference of convex algorithm
Y Akagi, N Marumo, H Kim, T Kurashima, H Toda
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 25812-25823, 2021
MAP inference algorithms without approximation for collective graphical models on path graphs via discrete difference of convex algorithm
Y Akagi, N Marumo, H Kim, T Kurashima, H Toda
Machine Learning 112 (1), 99-129, 2023
Aggregated Multi-output Gaussian Processes with Knowledge Transfer Across Domains
Y Tanaka, T Tanaka, T Iwata, T Kurashima, M Okawa, Y Akagi, H Toda
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.12141, 2022
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Articles 1–16