Hagen Holthusen
Hagen Holthusen
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Cited by
Incorporating crystallinity distributions into a thermo-mechanically coupled constitutive model for semi-crystalline polymers
S Felder, H Holthusen, S Hesseler, F Pohlkemper, T Gries, JW Simon, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 135, 102751, 2020
Thermo-mechanically coupled gradient-extended damage-plasticity modeling of metallic materials at finite strains
S Felder, N Kopic-Osmanovic, H Holthusen, T Brepols, S Reese
International Journal of Plasticity 148, 103142, 2022
Inelastic material formulations based on a co-rotated intermediate configuration—application to bioengineered tissues
H Holthusen, C Rothkranz, L Lamm, T Brepols, S Reese
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 172, 105174, 2023
A two-surface gradient-extended anisotropic damage model using a second order damage tensor coupled to additive plasticity in the logarithmic strain space
H Holthusen, T Brepols, S Reese, JW Simon
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 163, 104833, 2022
A reduced integration-based solid-shell finite element formulation for gradient-extended damage
O Barfusz, T van der Velden, T Brepols, H Holthusen, S Reese
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 382, 113884, 2021
Theory and implementation of inelastic constitutive artificial neural networks
H Holthusen, L Lamm, T Brepols, S Reese, E Kuhl
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 428, 117063, 2024
A macroscopic approach for stress-driven anisotropic growth in bioengineered soft tissues
L Lamm, H Holthusen, T Brepols, S Jockenhövel, S Reese
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 21 (2), 627-645, 2022
An anisotropic constitutive model for fiber-reinforced materials including gradient-extended damage and plasticity at finite strains
H Holthusen, T Brepols, S Reese, JW Simon
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 108, 102642, 2020
Failure zone homogenization for modeling damage-and debonding-induced softening in composites including gradient-extended damage at finite strains
L Poggenpohl, H Holthusen, JW Simon
International Journal of Plasticity 154, 103277, 2022
Towards brittle damage in carbon fiber reinforced plastics: A gradient extended approach
L Poggenpohl, T Brepols, H Holthusen, S Wulfinghoff, S Reese
Composite Structures 255, 112911, 2021
A gradient-extended thermomechanical model for rate-dependent damage and failure within rubberlike polymeric materials at finite strains
L Lamm, A Awad, JM Pfeifer, H Holthusen, S Felder, S Reese, T Brepols
International Journal of Plasticity 173, 103883, 2024
Gradient-extended damage modelling for polymeric materials at finite strains: Rate-dependent damage evolution combined with viscoelasticity
L Lamm, JM Pfeifer, H Holthusen, B Schaaf, R Seewald, A Schiebahn, ...
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 103, 105121, 2024
Using numerical homogenization to determine the representative volume element size of paper
G Kloppenburg, E Walther, H Holthusen, C Czibula, U Hirn, JW Simon
PAMM 22 (1), e202200226, 2023
A novel continuum mechanical framework for decoupled material behavior in thickness and in-plane directions
B Boes, JW Simon, S Reese, H Holthusen
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 415, 116192, 2023
Macroscopic modelling of stress driven anisotropic growth in bioengineered tissues
L Lamm, H Holthusen, C Böhm, S Jockenhövel, S Reese
PAMM 21 (1), e202100046, 2021
Accounting for plasticity: An extension of inelastic constitutive artificial neural networks
B Boes, JW Simon, H Holthusen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.19326, 2024
Modelling and simulation of time‐dependent damage and failure within silicone‐based, polymeric adhesives
L Lamm, JM Pfeifer, H Holthusen, T Brepols, S Reese
PAMM 22 (1), e202200076, 2023
Mechanical investigations of the peltate leaf of Stephania japonica (Menispermaceae): Experiments and a continuum mechanical material model
D Macek, H Holthusen, A Rjosk, S Ritzert, T Lautenschläger, C Neinhuis, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 994320, 2023
Failure zone homogenization at mode II and mixed mode loading including gradient-extended damage and interface debonding at finite strains
L Poggenpohl, H Holthusen, JW Simon
Composite Structures 298, 115997, 2022
Modeling of hyperelastic material accounting for the Mullins effect by defining a new stiffness reduction variable
E Toups, R Seewald, B Schaaf, H Holthusen, U Reisgen, M Feldmann, ...
Technische Mechanik-European J. Eng. Mech 40 (1), 77-86, 2020
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Articles 1–20