Richard Barker
Richard Barker
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Bayesian inference: with ecological applications
WA Link, RJ Barker
Academic Press, 2009
Model weights and the foundations of multimodel inference
WA Link, RJ Barker
Ecology 87 (10), 2626-2635, 2006
Modeling individual animal histories with multistate capture–recapture models
JD Lebreton, JD Nichols, RJ Barker, R Pradel, JA Spendelow
Advances in ecological research 41, 87-173, 2009
Joint modeling of live-recapture, tag-resight, and tag-recovery data
RJ Barker
Biometrics, 666-677, 1997
Factors affecting first‐year survival in grey seals and their implications for life history strategy
H Ailsa J, MC Bernie J, B Richard J
Journal of Animal Ecology 70 (1), 138-149, 2001
On the reliability of N‐mixture models for count data
RJ Barker, MR Schofield, WA Link, JR Sauer
Biometrics 74 (1), 369-377, 2018
First evidence that marine protected areas can work for marine mammals
AM Gormley, E Slooten, S Dawson, RJ Barker, W Rayment, S du Fresne, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (2), 474-480, 2012
Multistate survival models and their extensions in Program MARK
GC White, WL Kendall, RJ Barker
The Journal of Wildlife Management 70 (6), 1521-1529, 2006
On the robustness of N‐mixture models
WA Link, MR Schofield, RJ Barker, JR Sauer
Ecology 99 (7), 1547-1551, 2018
Factors influencing survival and long-term population viability of New Zealand long-tailed bats (Chalinolobus tuberculatus): implications for conservation
MA Pryde, CFJ O’Donnell, RJ Barker
Biological conservation 126 (2), 175-185, 2005
Modeling the relationship between fecal pellet indices and deer density
DM Forsyth, RJ Barker, G Morriss, MP Scroggie
The Journal of Wildlife Management 71 (3), 964-970, 2007
Modeling association among demographic parameters in analysis of open population capture–recapture data
WA Link, RJ Barker
Biometrics 61 (1), 46-54, 2005
Within‐site variability in surveys of wildlife populations
WA Link, RJ Barker, JR Sauer, S Droege
Ecology 75 (4), 1097-1108, 1994
Incorporating genotype uncertainty into mark–recapture-type models for estimating abundance using DNA samples
JA Wright, RJ Barker, MR Schofield, AC Frantz, AE Byrom, DM Gleeson
Biometrics 65 (3), 833-840, 2009
Modelling population change from time series data
RJ Barker, JR Sauer
Wildlife 2001: populations, 182-194, 1992
Efficient estimation of abundance for patchily distributed populations via two‐phase, adaptive sampling
MJ Conroy, JP Runge, RJ Barker, MR Schofield, CJ Fonnesbeck
Ecology 89 (12), 3362-3370, 2008
Flexible hierarchical mark-recapture modeling for open populations using WinBUGS
MR Schofield, RJ Barker, DI MacKenzie
Environmental and Ecological Statistics 16, 369-387, 2009
Sources of variation in waterfowl survival rates
DG Krementz, RJ Barker, JD Nichols
The Auk 114 (1), 93-102, 1997
The effect of total immunoglobulin levels, mass and condition on the first‐year survival of Grey Seal pups
AJ Hall, BJ McConnell, RJ Barker
Functional Ecology 16 (4), 462-474, 2002
Survival of Ulex europaeus seeds in the soil at three sites in New Zealand
RL Hill, AH Gourlay, RJ Barker
New Zealand Journal of Botany 39 (2), 235-244, 2001
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Articles 1–20