Sara Sternberg Greene
Sara Sternberg Greene
Duke Law School
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Race, class, and access to civil justice
SS Greene
Iowa L. Rev. 101, 1263, 2015
SNAP food security in-depth interview study
K Edin, M Boyd, J Mabli, J Ohls, J Worthington, S Greene, N Redel, ...
Mathematica Policy Research, 2013
The broken safety net: A study of earned income tax credit recipients and a proposal for repair
SS Greene
NYUL Rev. 88, 515, 2013
“Robbing Peter to pay Paul”: Economic and cultural explanations for how lower-income families manage debt
LM Tach, SS Greene
Social Problems 61 (1), 1-21, 2014
Cracking the code: an empirical analysis of consumer bankruptcy outcomes
SS Greene, P Patel, K Porter
Minn. L. Rev. 101, 1031, 2016
The bootstrap trap
SS Greene
Duke LJ 67, 233, 2017
SNAP food security in-depth interview study: Final Report
K Edin, M Boyd, J Mabli, J Ohls, J Worthington, S Greene, N Redel, ...
Family Programs Report. US Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, 2013
Judging without a JD
SS Greene, KM Renberg
Columbia Law Review 122 (5), 1287-1388, 2022
A theory of poverty: legal immobility
SS Greene
Wash. UL Rev. 96, 753, 2018
The rainy day earned income tax credit: A reform to boost financial security by helping low-wage workers build emergency savings
S Halpern-Meekin, SS Greene, E Levin, K Edin
RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 4 (2), 161-176, 2018
On the Validity and Vitality of Arizona's Judicial Merit Selection System: Past, Present, and Future
MI Harrison, SS Greene
Fordham Urb. LJ 34, 239, 2007
The failed reform: congressional crackdown on repeat chapter 13 bankruptcy filers
SS Greene
Am. Bankr. LJ 89, 241, 2015
Stealing (identity) from the poor
SS Greene
Minn. L. Rev. 106, 59, 2021
SNAP food security in-depth interview study. Alexandria (VA): US Department of Agriculture
K Edin, M Boyd, J Mabli, J Ohls, J Worthington, S Greene, S Sridharan
Food and Nutrition Service, Office of Research and Analysis, 2013
Fees, fines, bail, and the destitution pipeline
BL Garrett, SS Greene, MK Levy
Duke LJ 69, 1463, 2019
Working to Fail
SS Greene
Duke J. Gender L. & Pol'y 27, 167, 2020
Credit scoring duality
P Foohey, SS Greene
Law & Contemp. Probs. 85, 101, 2022
The rainy day EITC: A reform to boost financial security by helping low-wage workers build emergency savings
K Edin, S Greene, S Halpern-Meekin, E Levin
Washington, DC: Corporation for Enterprise Development, 2015
Performance evaluation of drip disposal system for residential treatment
AR Rubin, S Greene, T Sinclair, A Jantrania
Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Individual and Small …, 1994
Access to Civil Justice, 101 Iowa L
SS Greene, C Race
Rev 1263, 1267, 2016
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Articles 1–20