Ank Michels
Ank Michels
Associate professor, Utrecht School of Governance, Utrecht University
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Examining citizen participation: Local participatory policy making and democracy
A Michels, L De Graaf
Local government studies 36 (4), 477-491, 2010
Innovations in democratic governance: how does citizen participation contribute to a better democracy?
A Michels
International Review of Administrative Sciences 77 (2), 275-293, 2011
Smart governance for sustainable cities: Findings from a systematic literature review
Z Tomor, A Meijer, A Michels, S Geertman
Journal of urban technology 26 (4), 3-27, 2019
Education and support for representative, direct and stealth democracy.
H Coffé, A Michels
Electoral studies 35, 1-11, 2014
Examining citizen participation: local participatory policymaking and democracy revisited
A Michels, L De Graaf
Local government studies 43 (6), 875-881, 2017
Citizen participation in local policy making: Design and democracy
A Michels
International Journal of Public Administration 35 (4), 285-292, 2012
Safeguarding public accountability in horizontal government
A Michels, A Meijer
Public Management Review 10 (2), 165-173, 2008
Citizen participation and democracy in the Netherlands
AMB Michels
Democratization 13 (02), 323-339, 2006
Enhancing participation in disadvantaged urban neighbourhoods
L De Graaf, M Van Hulst, A Michels
Local Government Studies 41 (1), 44-62, 2015
Citizen participation in the smart city: findings from an international comparative study
E Przeybilovicz, MA Cunha, S Geertman, C Leleux, A Michels, Z Tomor, ...
Local government studies 48 (1), 23-47, 2022
Meeting goals of sustainability policy: CO2 emission reduction, cost-effectiveness and societal acceptance. An analysis of the proposal to phase-out coal in the Netherlands
S Akerboom, W Botzen, A Buijze, A Michels, M van Rijswick
Energy Policy 138, 111210, 2020
Participation in citizens’ summits and public engagement
A Michels
International Review of Administrative Sciences 85 (2), 211-227, 2019
Assessing the impact of deliberative democratic initiatives at the local level: A framework for analysis
A Michels, H Binnema
Administration & Society 51 (5), 749-769, 2019
G1000. Ervaringen met burgertoppen
G Boogaard, A Michels, J Cohen, P Smets, H Binnema, M Vlind
Boom, 2016
Democracy transformed? Reforms in Britain and the Netherlands (1990–2010)
F Hendriks, A Michels
International Journal of Public Administration 34 (5), 307-317, 2011
De democratische waarde van burgerparticipatie: interactief bestuur en deliberatieve fora
AMB Michels
Bestuurskunde 20 (2), 75-84, 2011
Deepening and connecting democratic processes. The opportunities and pitfalls of mini-publics in renewing democracy
A Michels, H Binnema
Social Sciences 7 (11), 236, 2018
Vallende wethouders: een verkenning van de vertrekredenen van onvrijwillig teruggetreden bestuurders op lokaal niveau
H Aardema, M Boogers, AFA Korsten
Bestuurswetenschappen 66 (2), 13-34, 2012
Les innovations dans la gouvernance démocratique–En quoi la participation citoyenne contribue-t-elle à l'amélioration de la démocratie?
A Michels
Revue internationale des sciences administratives 77 (2), 275-296, 2011
Does democratic innovation reduce bias? The G1000 as a new form of local citizen participation
H Binnema, A Michels
International journal of public administration 45 (6), 475-485, 2022
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Articles 1–20