Mehmet Emre TASGIN
Mehmet Emre TASGIN
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Conservation relation of nonclassicality and entanglement for Gaussian states in a beam splitter
W Ge, ME Tasgin, MS Zubairy
Physical Review A 92 (5), 052328, 2015
Enhancement of four-wave mixing via interference of multiple plasmonic conversion paths
SK Singh, MK Abak, ME Tasgin
Physical Review B 93 (3), 035410, 2016
Engineering nonlinear response of nanomaterials using Fano resonances
D Turkpence, GB Akguc, A Bek, ME Tasgin
Journal of Optics 16 (10), 105009, 2014
Silent enhancement of SERS signal without increasing hot spot intensities
S Postaci, BC Yildiz, A Bek, ME Tasgin
Nanophotonics 7 (10), 1687-1695, 2018
Metal nanoparticle plasmons operating within a quantum lifetime
ME Taşgın
Nanoscale 5 (18), 8616-8624, 2013
Quantum-measurement backaction from a Bose-Einstein condensate coupled to a mechanical oscillator
SK Steinke, S Singh, ME Tasgin, P Meystre, KC Schwab, M Vengalattore
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (2), 023841, 2011
Plasmon lifetime enhancement in a bright-dark mode coupled system
BC Yildiz, A Bek, ME Tasgin
Physical Review B 101 (3), 035416, 2020
Many-particle entanglement criterion for superradiantlike states
ME Tasgin
Physical review letters 119 (3), 033601, 2017
Enhanced second harmonic generation from coupled asymmetric plasmonic metal nanostructures
BC Yildiz, ME Tasgin, MK Abak, S Coskun, HE Unalan, A Bek
Journal of Optics 17 (12), 125005, 2015
Fano resonances in the linear and nonlinear plasmonic response
ME Taşgın, A Bek, S Postacı
Fano Resonances in Optics and Microwaves: Physics and Applications, 1-31, 2018
Controlling steady-state second harmonic signal via linear and nonlinear Fano resonances
M Günay, Z Artvin, A Bek, ME Tasgin
Journal of Modern Optics 67 (1), 26-34, 2020
Spin squeezing with coherent light via entanglement swapping
ME Taşgın, P Meystre
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (5), 053848, 2011
Quantum correlated light pulses from sequential superradiance of a condensate
ME Taşgın, MÖ Oktel, L You, ÖE Müstecaplıoğlu
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (5), 053603, 2009
Single-molecule-resolution ultrafast near-field optical microscopy via plasmon lifetime extension
RV Ovali, R Sahin, A Bek, ME Tasgin
Applied Physics Letters 118 (24), 2021
Continuously-tunable Cherenkov-radiation-based detectors via plasmon index control
M Günay, YL Chuang, ME Tasgin
Nanophotonics 9 (6), 1479-1489, 2020
Quantum emitter interacting with graphene coating in the strong-coupling regime
M Günay, V Karanikolas, R Sahin, RV Ovali, A Bek, ME Tasgin
Physical Review B 101 (16), 165412, 2020
Collectively induced many-vortices topology via rotatory Dicke quantum phase transition
P Das, ME Tasgin, ÖE Müstecaplıoğlu
New Journal of Physics 18 (9), 093022, 2016
Single-mode nonclassicality measure from Simon-Peres-Horodecki criterion
ME Tasgın
Creation of a vortex in a Bose-Einstein condensate by superradiant scattering
ME Taşgın, ÖE Müstecaplıoglu, L You
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (6), 063628, 2011
Single-mode nonclassicality criteria via Holstein–Primakoff transformation
ME Tasgin
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 53 (24), 245501, 2020
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Articles 1–20