Ricardo Barbosa, Jr.
Ricardo Barbosa, Jr.
Other namesRicardo César Barbosa Júnior
PhD Student, Graduate School of Geography, Clark University
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Cited by
Cited by
Environmental governance under Bolsonaro: dismantling institutions, curtailing participation, delegitimising opposition
RG Menezes, R Barbosa Jr
Zeitschrift für vergleichende politikwissenschaft 15 (2), 229-247, 2021
Brazil’s war on COVID-19: Crisis, not conflict—Doctors, not generals
MH Pfrimer, R Barbosa Jr
Dialogues in Human Geography 10 (2), 137-140, 2020
Moving beyond direct marketing with new mediated models: evolution of or departure from alternative food networks?
M Rosol, R Barbosa Jr
Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4), 1021-1039, 2021
Statecraft under God: Radical right populism meets Christian nationalism in Bolsonaro’s Brazil
R Barbosa Jr, G Casarões
Millennium 50 (3), 669-699, 2022
Conflitos entre o campesinato e o agronegócio no Brasil: os planos-safra 2015-2016
RCB Junior, EL de Freitas Coca
Eutopía. Revista De Desarrollo Económico Territorial, 11-27, 2015
O extrativismo agrário do Governo Bolsonaro a partir das relações Estado-Sociedade
G Soyer, R Barbosa Jr
Revista da ANPEGE 16 (29), 522-554, 2020
Criminalizar é governar: uma proposta teórica para a compreensão da criminalização dos movimentos sociais do campo no Brasil
P Vasconcelos Rocha, R Barbosa Jr
Colombia Internacional, 205-232, 2018
Neo-Agro-Colonialism, Control over Life, and Imposed Spatio-Temporalities
MH Pfrimer, RC Barbosa
Contexto Internacional 39 (01), 09-33, 2017
The WTO's international multilateral trade system and its effects on the production and consumption of food
RC Barbosa Junior, E Coca
Boletim Meridiano 47, 42-49, 2015
The subversive practice of counting bodies: Documenting violence and conflict in rural Brazil
R Barbosa Jr, J Roriz
Journal of Agrarian Change, 2021
Enacting just food futures through the state: evidence from Brazil
R Barbosa Jr, E Coca
Canadian Food Studies/La Revue canadienne des études sur l'alimentation 9 (2 …, 2022
A community farm maps back! Disputes over public urban farmland in Calgary, Alberta
R Barbosa Jr, R Burns
Journal of Maps 17 (1), 46-54, 2021
(De)Securitizing Collectives of the Brazilian Cerrado and the Implementation of an Agribusiness Complex
MH Pfrimer, R Barbosa Jr
Revista NERA 19 (30), 2016
Responding to neoliberal diets: School meal programmes in Brazil and Canada
EL de Freitas Coca, RCB Júnior
A Handbook of Food Crime, 347-364, 2018
Hortas escolares em Vancouver, Canadá como parte da “segunda geração” da soberania alimentar
E Coca, R Barbosa Jr
Ateliê Geográfico 12 (1), 219-236, 2018
Approximating food producers and consumers in Metro Vancouver, Canada
EL de Freitas Coca, RC Barbosa Júnior
Dimensión Empresarial 14 (1), 11-26, 2016
School food at home: Brazil’s national school food programme (PNAE) during the COVID-19 pandemic
R Barbosa Jr, E Coca, G Soyer
Social & Cultural Geography 24 (3-4), 620-639, 2023
Estrangeirização de terras nas Relações Internacionais do Brasil
GA Soyer, R Barbosa Jr
Contextualizaciones Latinoamericanas 1 (18), 2018
Cooperação Sul-Sul entre Brasil e Moçambique: da (in) segurança territorial à alteridade construída pela soberania popular
TS de Melo, AR de Oliveira, R Barbosa Jr
Revista da ANPEGE 14 (24), 83-114, 2018
Matopiba’s Disputed Agricultural Frontier: Between Commodity Crops and Agrarian Reform
E Coca, G Soyer, R Barbosa Jr
IDS Bulletin, 2023
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Articles 1–20