Ömer Nedim Kenger
Ömer Nedim Kenger
Hasan Kalyoncu University Industrial Engineering
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Quality function deployment implementation on educational curriculum of industrial engineering in university of gaziantep
C Cetinkaya, ON Kenger, Z Diri Kenger, E Ozceylan
Industrial Engineering in the Big Data Era: Selected Papers from the Global …, 2019
Fuzzy min–max neural networks: a bibliometric and social network analysis
ÖN Kenger, E Özceylan
Neural Computing and Applications 35 (7), 5081-5111, 2023
Clustering of cities based on their smart performances: A comparative approach of fuzzy c-means, k-means, and k-medoids
ÖMN Kenger, ZD Kenger, E Özceylan, B Mrugalska
IEEE Access 11, 134446-134459, 2023
Analytic hierarchy process for urban transportation: a bibliometric and social network analysis
ZD Kenger, ÖN Kenger, E Özceylan
Central European Journal of Operations Research, 1-20, 2023
A hybrid approach based on mathematical modelling and improved online learning algorithm for data classification
ÖN Kenger, E Ozceylan
Expert Systems with Applications 218, 119607, 2023
A Comparative Analysis of Fuzzy C-Means, K-Means, and K-Medoids Clustering Algorithms for Analysis Countries’ COVID-19 Risk
ON Kenger, E Ozceylan
Intelligent and Fuzzy Techniques for Emerging Conditions and Digital …, 2022
A Frequency-Based Approach For Multi-Class Data Classification Problem
ÖN Kenger, E Özceylan
2020 International Conference on Electrical, Communication, and Computer …, 2020
A bibliometric analysis of the last ten years of fuzzy min-max neural networks
ÖN Kenger, ZD Kenger, E Özceylan
International Conference on Science, Engineering Management and Information …, 2022
İş ve Tarım Makinaları Montajı Yapan Bir Tesiste REFA Standartları ile İş Örneklemesi Uygulaması
ÖN Kenger, ZD Kenger, ZA Çil, S Mete, H Karataş, E Özceylan
International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 4 (1), 77-83, 2018
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Articles 1–9