Yannan Li
Yannan Li
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Cited by
Blockchain-based solutions to security and privacy issues in the internet of things
Y Yu, Y Li, J Tian, J Liu
IEEE Wireless Communications 25 (6), 12-18, 2018
Fuzzy identity-based data integrity auditing for reliable cloud storage systems
Y Li, Y Yu, G Min, W Susilo, J Ni, KKR Choo
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 16 (1), 72-83, 2017
Machine learning based privacy-preserving fair data trading in big data market
Y Zhao, Y Yu, Y Li, G Han, X Du
Information Sciences 478, 449-460, 2019
Efficient attribute-based encryption with attribute revocation for assured data deletion
L Xue, Y Yu, Y Li, MH Au, X Du, B Yang
Information Sciences 479, 640-650, 2019
Traceable monero: Anonymous cryptocurrency with enhanced accountability
Y Li, G Yang, W Susilo, Y Yu, MH Au, D Liu
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 18 (2), 679-691, 2019
Secure pub-sub: Blockchain-based fair payment with reputation for reliable cyber physical systems
Y Zhao, Y Li, Q Mu, B Yang, Y Yu
IEEE Access 6, 12295-12303, 2018
A blockchain-based self-tallying voting protocol in decentralized IoT
Y Li, W Susilo, G Yang, Y Yu, D Liu, X Du, M Guizani
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 19 (1), 119-130, 2020
Assured data deletion with fine-grained access control for fog-based industrial applications
Y Yu, L Xue, Y Li, X Du, M Guizani, B Yang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (10), 4538-4547, 2018
Blockchain-based anonymous authentication with selective revocation for smart industrial applications
Y Yu, Y Zhao, Y Li, X Du, L Wang, M Guizani
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (5), 3290-3300, 2019
Attribute-based cloud data integrity auditing for secure outsourced storage
Y Yu, Y Li, B Yang, W Susilo, G Yang, J Bai
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 8 (2), 377-390, 2017
Blockchain-based dynamic provable data possession for smart cities
R Chen, Y Li, Y Yu, H Li, X Chen, W Susilo
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (5), 4143-4154, 2020
Privacy preserving cloud data auditing with efficient key update
Y Li, Y Yu, B Yang, G Min, H Wu
Future Generation Computer Systems 78, 789-798, 2018
Toward privacy and regulation in blockchain-based cryptocurrencies
Y Li, W Susilo, G Yang, Y Yu, X Du, D Liu, N Guizani
IEEE Network 33 (5), 111-117, 2019
Provable data transfer from provable data possession and deletion in cloud storage
L Xue, J Ni, Y Li, J Shen
Computer Standards & Interfaces 54, 46-54, 2017
Secure your voice: An oral airflow-based continuous liveness detection for voice assistants
Y Wang, W Cai, T Gu, W Shao, Y Li, Y Yu
Proceedings of the ACM on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous …, 2019
Toward data security in edge intelligent IIoT
Y Yu, R Chen, H Li, Y Li, A Tian
IEEE Network 33 (5), 20-26, 2019
Blockchain based privacy-preserving software updates with proof-of-delivery for internet of things
Y Zhao, Y Liu, A Tian, Y Yu, X Du
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 132, 141-149, 2019
Key-policy attribute-based encryption with keyword search in virtualized environments
Y Yu, J Shi, H Li, Y Li, X Du, M Guizani
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38 (6), 1242-1251, 2020
IntegrityChain: provable data possession for decentralized storage
Y Li, Y Yu, R Chen, X Du, M Guizani
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 38 (6), 1205-1217, 2020
Content protection in named data networking: Challenges and potential solutions
Y Yu, Y Li, X Du, R Chen, B Yang
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (11), 82-87, 2018
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