Iñaki Fernández de Viana
Iñaki Fernández de Viana
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Cited by
A new ACO model integrating evolutionary computation concepts: The best-worst Ant System
O Cordon, IF de Viana, F Herrera, L Moreno
Proc. ANTS 2000, 22-29, 2000
Learning cooperative linguistic fuzzy rules using the best–worst ant system algorithm
J Casillas, O Cordón, I Fernández de Viana, F Herrera
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 20 (4), 433-452, 2005
Analysis of the best-worst ant system and its variants on the QAP
O Cordón, IF de Viana, F Herrera
International Workshop on Ant Algorithms, 228-234, 2002
Analysis of the best-worst ant system and its variants on the TSP
O Cordón García, I Fernández de Viana, F Herrera Triguero
Mathware & soft computing. 2002 Vol. 9 Núm. 2 [-3], 2002
Diseno de sistemas de control borroso: Modelado de la planta
JM Andújar, AJ Barragán, JM Córdoba, I Fernández de Viana
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial 3 (1), 75-81, 2010
Integrating deep-web information sources
IF de Viana, I Hernandez, P Jiménez, CR Rivero, HA Sleiman
Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems: 8th …, 2010
Integrating Evolutionary computation components in Ant colony optimization
S Alonso, O Cordón, IF de Viana, F Herrera
Recent Developments in biologically inspired Computing, 148-180, 2005
Mave: Multilevel wrapper verification system
IF de Viana, PJ Abad, JL Alvarez, JL Arjona
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 28 (9), 2393-2406, 2016
Toward one class classifier techniques applied to verifier information
IF de Viana, PJ Abad, JL Álvarez, JL Arjona
6th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI 2011), 1-7, 2011
Applying One Class Classifier Techniques to Reduce Maintenance Costs of EAI.
IF de Viana, PJ Abad, JL Álvarez, JL Arjona
ICSOFT (1), 41-46, 2011
Genetic hybrid optimization of a real bike sharing system
GA Aranda-Corral, MA Rodríguez, I Fernández de Viana, MIG Arenas
Mathematics 9 (18), 2227, 2021
Applying ant colony hybrid metaheuristics to wrapper verification
IF de Viana, PJ Abad, JL Álvarez, JL Arjona
Expert Systems with Applications 57, 62-75, 2016
Una técnica híbrida de modelización neuroborrosa mediante colonia de hormigas
JM Andujar, JM Córdoba, I Fernández
Proc. XXV Jornadas de Automática, 2004
Análisis de distintas vertientes para la paralelización de los algoritmos de Optimización basada en Colonias de Hormigas
S Alonso, O Cordón, IF de Viana, F Herrera
Actas del Segundo Congreso Español de Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos …, 0
Feature Selection to Improve Information Verifier Models in EAI
IF de Viana, JL Arjona, JL Macias, P Abad
IEEE Latin America Transactions 8 (2), 158-163, 2010
Santander bike network usage week 15 April 2019
GA Aranda-Corral, MA Rodriguez, IF De Viana, MIG Arenas
Santander bike network usage week 15 April 2019, 2021
Optimizating one-class techniques applied to verify information extractors
IF de Viana, PJ Abad, JL Álvarez, JL Arjona
7th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI 2012), 1-6, 2012
Integrating Deep-Web Information Sources
I Fernández de Viana, IC Hernández Salmerón, P Jiménez Aguirre, ...
PAAMS 2010: 8th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents …, 2010
FOLMO: first order logic in Moodle
JL Romero, I Fernández de Viana, GA Aranda Corral
Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (15es: 2009: Barcelona), 2009
Actas del Taller de Trabajo Zoco’09/JISBD Integración de Aplicaciones e Información Empresarial XIV Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos San Sebastián, 8 de …
JL Álvarez, JL Arjona, I Fernández de Viana, R Corchuelo Gil, ...
SISTEDES: Ingeniería de Software y las Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software, 2009
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Articles 1–20