Dwayne Arola
Dwayne Arola
Materials Science and Engineering, University of Washington
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Orthogonal cutting mechanisms of graphite/epoxy composite. Part I: unidirectional laminate
DH Wang, M Ramulu, D Arola
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 35 (12), 1623-1638, 1995
Estimating the fatigue stress concentration factor of machined surfaces
D Arola, CL Williams
International Journal of fatigue 24 (9), 923-930, 2002
Orthogonal cutting of fiber-reinforced composites: a finite element analysis
D Arola, M Ramulu
International journal of mechanical sciences 39 (5), 597-613, 1997
Applications of digital image correlation to biological tissues
D Zhang, DD Arola
Journal of biomedical optics 9 (4), 691-699, 2004
Age, dehydration and fatigue crack growth in dentin
D Bajaj, N Sundaram, A Nazari, D Arola
Biomaterials 27 (11), 2507-2517, 2006
On the R-curve behavior of human tooth enamel
D Bajaj, DD Arola
Biomaterials 30 (23-24), 4037-4046, 2009
Mechanical properties of human enamel as a function of age and location in the tooth
S Park, DH Wang, D Zhang, E Romberg, D Arola
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 19, 2317-2324, 2008
Effects of aging on the mechanical behavior of human dentin
D Arola, RK Reprogel
Biomaterials 26 (18), 4051-4061, 2005
The influence of abrasive waterjet cutting conditions on the surface quality of graphite/epoxy laminates
M Ramulu, D Arola
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 34 (3), 295-313, 1994
Orthogonal cutting mechanisms of graphite/epoxy composite. Part II: multi-directional laminate
DH Wang, M Ramulu, D Arola
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 35 (12), 1639-1648, 1995
Chip formation in orthogonal trimming of graphite/epoxy composite
D Arola, M Ramulu, DH Wang
Composites Part A: applied science and manufacturing 27 (2), 121-133, 1996
Dental primer and adhesive containing a new antibacterial quaternary ammonium monomer dimethylaminododecyl methacrylate
L Cheng, MD Weir, K Zhang, DD Arola, X Zhou, HHK Xu
Journal of dentistry 41 (4), 345-355, 2013
Aging and the reduction in fracture toughness of human dentin
A Nazari, D Bajaj, D Zhang, E Romberg, D Arola
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 2 (5), 550-559, 2009
On the brittleness of enamel and selected dental materials
S Park, JB Quinn, E Romberg, D Arola
Dental materials 24 (11), 1477-1485, 2008
A study of kerf characteristics in abrasive waterjet machining of graphite/epoxy composite
D Arola, M Ramulu
Material removal in abrasive waterjet machining of metals surface integrity and texture
D Arola, M Ramulu
Wear 210 (1-2), 50-58, 1997
Displacement/strain measurements using an optical microscope and digital image correlation
D Zhang, M Luo, DD Arola
Optical Engineering 45 (3), 033605-033605-9, 2006
Tubule orientation and the fatigue strength of human dentin
DD Arola, RK Reprogel
Biomaterials 27 (9), 2131-2140, 2006
Role of prism decussation on fatigue crack growth and fracture of human enamel
D Bajaj, D Arola
Acta biomaterialia 5 (8), 3045-3056, 2009
Evaluating the mechanical behavior of arterial tissue using digital image correlation
D Zhang, CD Eggleton, DD Arola
Experimental mechanics 42, 409-416, 2002
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Articles 1–20