Mohamed Fennir
Mohamed Fennir
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Tripoli
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Respiration rate of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) measured in a two-bin research scale storage facility, using heat and moisture balance and gas analysis techniques
MA Fennir, JA Landry, GSV Raghavan
Canadian Biosystems Engineering 45, 4.1-4.1, 2003
An investigation of sugar extraction methods and the use of microwave power for date syrup processing: efficiency and color related considerations
MA Fennir, JA Landry, HS Ramaswamy, VGS Raghavan
Journal of microwave power and electromagnetic energy 38 (3), 189-196, 2003
Respiration rates of ten Libyan date cultivars (Phoenix dactylifera) measured at Balah stage.
MA Fennir, MT Morgham, SE Raheel
Respiration rate of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) as affected by soft rot (Erwinia carotovora) and determined at various storage temperatures.
MA Fennir, JA Landry, GSV Raghavan
West Indian Journal of Engineering 27 (2), 2005
Respiratory response of healthy and diseased potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) under real and experimental storage conditions
MA Fennir
McGill University, 2002
Strength of pellets and briquettes made from libyan olive oil solid residues
MA Fennir, VGS Raghavan, Y Gariépy, S Sotocinal
Dalam International Conference on Advances in Agricultural, Biological …, 2014
Moisture Loss of Semidry Libyan Dates at'Rutab'Stage Evaluated Under Simulated Handling and Transportation Conditions
MA Fennir, MT Morghem
CSBE/SCGAB 2016 Annual Conference, 3-6, 2016
Postharvest Handling of Dates
IE Greiby, MA Fennir
Date Palm, 454-485, 2023
Response of Libyan Soft Date Cultivars" Hellawi" and" Hurra" at" Balah" Stage to Controlled Atmosphere Conditions
MA Fennir, SS Raheel, MT Morghem
The Libyan Journal of Agriculture 22 (1), 2017
Effects of controlled atmosphere conditions on storability of Libyan ‘Hurra’soft date cultivar
MA Fennir, MT Morgham
Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies Vol 3 (3), 2016
Potential of unrefrigerated storage of onions in the western mountain (wm) region of Libya
MA Fennir
2nd International Conference on Sustainable Environment and Agriculture …, 2014
Application of stabilization ponds in the Nile Delta of Egypt
M Nasr
International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological and Environmental …, 2014
Development and testing of an automated infrared gas analysis system for postharvest respiration study
MA Fennir, JA Landry, GSV Raghavan
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 19 (3), 335, 2003
In-Situ estimation of respiration and transpiration rates of stored fruits and vegetables
MA Fennir
McGill University, 1997
Producing vinegar from unmarketable dates of three Libyan cultivars using double stage fermentation method.
MA Fennir, MT Morghem, KM Alsmin
The Potential of Using Modified Atmosphere and Cooling for Preserving ‘Bronsi’and ‘Taboni’Soft Dates at Rutab Stage
MA Fennir, AS Bdewi, MT Morghem
The Libyan Journal of Agriculture 26 (1), 2021
Effectivenessof High Levels of Carbon Dioxide and Modified Atmosphere Conditions on Insect Infestation Development in Three Dry Date Cultivars
MA Fennir, MT Morghem, SS Rheel, AB Bedewi
The Libyan Journal of Agriculture 25 (3), 2021
Response of two Libyan soft date cultivars to induced ripening under controlled atmosphere conditions
M Fennir
Scientific Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1 (2), 1-9, 2019
Applications of Temperature and Relative Humidity Wireless Data Loggers in Agricultural and Food Research
MA Fennir
Libyan International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Technologies …, 2018
Properties, Strength and Stability of Pressed Units Made From Olive Oil Milling Solid Residues
MA Fennir, HM Abushaala
CSBE/SCGAB 2016 Annual Conference Halifax World Trade and Convention Centre, 2016
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Articles 1–20