Mohsen Jannati
Mohsen Jannati
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Isfahan
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Improvement of voltage stability and reduce power system losses by optimal GA-based allocation of multi-type FACTS devices
HR Baghaee, M Jannati, B Vahidi, SH Hosseinian, H Rastegar
2008 11th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and …, 2008
A novel application of wavelet based SVM to transient phenomena identification of power transformers
S Jazebi, B Vahidi, M Jannati
Energy Conversion and Management 52 (2), 1354-1363, 2011
Incipient faults monitoring in underground medium voltage cables of distribution systems based on a two-step strategy
M Jannati, B Vahidi, SH Hosseinian
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 34 (4), 1647-1655, 2019
ADALINE (ADAptive Linear NEuron)-based coordinated control for wind power fluctuations smoothing with reduced BESS (battery energy storage system) capacity
M Jannati, SH Hosseinian, B Vahidi, G Li
Energy 101, 1-8, 2016
A significant reduction in the costs of battery energy storage systems by use of smart parking lots in the power fluctuation smoothing process of the wind farms
GL M. Jannati, S.H. Hosseinian, B. Vahidi
Renewable Energy 87, 1-14, 2016
A survey on energy storage resources configurations in order to propose an optimum configuration for smoothing fluctuations of future large wind power plants
M Jannati, SH Hosseinian, B Vahidi, GJ Li
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 29, 158-172, 2014
A novel approach to adaptive single phase auto-reclosing scheme for EHV transmission lines
M Jannati, B Vahidi, SH Hosseinian, SM Ahadi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 33 (3), 639-646, 2011
A novel approach to adaptive single phase autoreclosure scheme for EHV power transmission lines based on learning error function of ADALINE
B Vahidi, M Jannati, SH Hosseinian
Simulation 84 (12), 601-610, 2008
A novel approach for online fault detection in HVDC converters
J Moshtagh, M Jannati, HR Baghaee, E Nasr
2008 12th International Middle-East Power System Conference, 307-311, 2008
Optimal multi-type FACTS allocation using genetic algorithm to improve power system security
HR Baghaee, M Jannati, B Vahidi, SH Hosseinian, S Jazebi
2008 12th International Middle-East Power System Conference, 162-166, 2008
An improved protection strategy based on PCC-SVM algorithm for identification of high impedance arcing fault in smart microgrids in the presence of distributed generation
M Eslami, M Jannati, SS Tabatabaei
Measurement 175, 109149, 2021
A new adaptive single phase auto-reclosure scheme for EHV transmission lines
M Jannati, B Vahidi, SH Hosseinian, HR Baghaee
2008 12th International Middle-East Power System Conference, 203-207, 2008
Analysis of power allocation strategies in the smoothing of wind farm power fluctuations considering lifetime extension of BESS units
M Jannati, E Foroutan
Journal of Cleaner Production 266, 122045, 2020
Mitigation of windfarm power fluctuation by adaptive linear neuron‐based power tracking method with flexible learning rate
M Jannati, SH Hosseinian, B Vahidi, GJ Li
IET Renewable Power Generation 8 (6), 659-669, 2014
A protection scheme based on conditional generative adversarial network and convolutional classifier for high impedance fault detection in distribution networks
A Mohammadi, M Jannati, M Shams
Electric Power Systems Research 212, 108633, 2022
A novel fast power swing blocking strategy for distance relay based on ADALINE and moving window averaging technique
M Jannati, M Mohammadi
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 15 (1), 97-107, 2021
An intelligent energy management system to use parking lots as energy storage systems in smoothing short-term power fluctuations of renewable resources
M Jannati, E Foroutan, SMS Mousavi, S Grijalva
Journal of Energy Storage 32, 101905, 2020
Using deep transfer learning technique to protect electrical distribution systems against high-impedance faults
A Mohammadi, M Jannati, M Shams
IEEE Systems Journal 17 (2), 3160-3171, 2023
A novel algorithm for fault type fast diagnosis in overhead transmission lines using hidden Markov models
M Jannati, S Jazebi, B Vahidi, SH Hosseinian
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology 6 (6), 742-749, 2011
Time domain single-phase reclosure scheme for transmission lines based on dual-Gaussian mixture models
S Jazebi, SH Hosseinian, M Jannati, B Vahidi
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 26 (1), 625-632, 2013
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Articles 1–20