Gail Atkinson
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Cited by
Ground-Motion Prediction Equations for the Average Horizontal Component of PGA, PGV, and 5%-Damped PSA at Spectral Periods between 0.01 s and 10.0 s
DM Boore, GM Atkinson
Earthquake spectra 24 (1), 99-138, 2008
NGA-West2 equations for predicting PGA, PGV, and 5% damped PSA for shallow crustal earthquakes
DM Boore, JP Stewart, E Seyhan, GM Atkinson
Earthquake Spectra 30 (3), 1057-1085, 2014
Ground-motion relations for eastern North America
GM Atkinson, DM Boore
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 85 (1), 17-30, 1995
Earthquake ground-motion prediction equations for eastern North America
GM Atkinson, DM Boore
Bulletin of the seismological society of America 96 (6), 2181-2205, 2006
Stochastic finite-fault modeling based on a dynamic corner frequency
D Motazedian, GM Atkinson
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 95 (3), 995-1010, 2005
Empirical ground-motion relations for subduction-zone earthquakes and their application to Cascadia and other regions
GM Atkinson, DM Boore
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 93 (4), 1703-1729, 2003
NGA-West2 research project
Y Bozorgnia, NA Abrahamson, LA Atik, TD Ancheta, GM Atkinson, ...
Earthquake Spectra 30 (3), 973-987, 2014
Modeling finite-fault radiation from the ωn spectrum
IA Beresnev, GM Atkinson
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 87 (1), 67-84, 1997
Stochastic modeling of California ground motions
GM Atkinson, W Silva
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 90 (2), 255-274, 2000
The shape of ground motion attenuation curves in southeastern Canada
GM Atkinson, RF Mereu
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 82 (5), 2014-2031, 1992
Stochastic prediction of ground motion and spectral response parameters at hard-rock sites in eastern North America
DM Boore, GM Atkinson
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 77 (2), 440-467, 1987
Hydraulic fracturing and seismicity in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
GM Atkinson, DW Eaton, H Ghofrani, D Walker, B Cheadle, R Schultz, ...
Seismological research letters 87 (3), 631-647, 2016
FINSIM--a FORTRAN program for simulating stochastic acceleration time histories from finite faults
IA Beresnev, GM Atkinson
Seismological Research Letters 69 (1), 27-32, 1998
OpenSees command language manual. Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
S Mazzoni, F McKenna, MH Scott, GL Fenves, B Jeremic
University of California, Berkeley, 2007
Comparisons of the NGA ground-motion relations
N Abrahamson, G Atkinson, D Boore, Y Bozorgnia, K Campbell, B Chiou, ...
Earthquake Spectra 24 (1), 45-66, 2008
“Did You Feel It?” intensity data: A surprisingly good measure of earthquake ground motion
GM Atkinson, DJ Wald
Seismological Research Letters 78 (3), 362-368, 2007
Earthquake time histories compatible with the 2005 National building code of Canada uniform hazard spectrum
GM Atkinson
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 36 (6), 991-1000, 2009
Empirical attenuation of ground-motion spectral amplitudes in southeastern Canada and the northeastern United States
GM Atkinson
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 94 (3), 1079-1095, 2004
Hydraulic fracturing volume is associated with induced earthquake productivity in the Duvernay play
R Schultz, G Atkinson, DW Eaton, YJ Gu, H Kao
Science 359 (6373), 304-308, 2018
An empirical study of earthquake source spectra for California earthquakes
GM Atkinson, W Silva
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 87 (1), 97-113, 1997
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Articles 1–20