heli sun
heli sun
Professor of Computer Science, Xi'an Jiaotong University
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Cited by
A novel ensemble method for classifying imbalanced data
Z Sun, Q Song, X Zhu, H Sun, B Xu, Y Zhou
Pattern Recognition 48 (5), 1623-1637, 2015
Shrink: a structural clustering algorithm for detecting hierarchical communities in networks
J Huang, H Sun, J Han, H Deng, Y Sun, Y Liu
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2010
Towards online multiresolution community detection in large-scale networks
J Huang, H Sun, Y Liu, Q Song, T Weninger
PloS one 6 (8), e23829, 2011
Network embedding for community detection in attributed networks
H Sun, F He, J Huang, Y Sun, Y Li, C Wang, L He, Z Sun, X Jia
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 14 (3), 1-25, 2020
A feature subset selection algorithm automatic recommendation method
G Wang, Q Song, H Sun, X Zhang, B Xu, Y Zhou
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 47, 1-34, 2013
Revealing density-based clustering structure from the core-connected tree of a network
J Huang, H Sun, Q Song, H Deng, J Han
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 25 (8), 1876-1889, 2012
gskeletonclu: Density-based network clustering via structure-connected tree division or agglomeration
H Sun, J Huang, J Han, H Deng, P Zhao, B Feng
2010 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 481-490, 2010
Density-based shrinkage for revealing hierarchical and overlapping community structure in networks
J Huang, H Sun, J Han, B Feng
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 390 (11), 2160-2171, 2011
CFPS: Collaborative filtering based source projects selection for cross-project defect prediction
Z Sun, J Li, H Sun, L He
Applied Soft Computing 99, 106940, 2021
Collaborative filtering based recommendation of sampling methods for software defect prediction
Z Sun, J Zhang, H Sun, X Zhu
Applied Soft Computing 90, 106163, 2020
Label propagation based evolutionary clustering for detecting overlapping and non-overlapping communities in dynamic networks
K Liu, J Huang, H Sun, M Wan, Y Qi, H Li
Knowledge-Based Systems 89, 487-496, 2015
IncOrder: Incremental density-based community detection in dynamic networks
H Sun, J Huang, X Zhang, J Liu, D Wang, H Liu, J Zou, Q Song
Knowledge-Based Systems 72, 1-12, 2014
Backward path growth for efficient mobile sequential recommendation
J Huang, X Huangfu, H Sun, H Li, P Zhao, H Cheng, Q Song
IEEE transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 27 (1), 46-60, 2014
CenLP: A centrality-based label propagation algorithm for community detection in networks
H Sun, J Liu, J Huang, G Wang, Z Yang, Q Song, X Jia
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 436, 767-780, 2015
LinkLPA: A Link‐Based label propagation algorithm for overlapping community detection in networks
H Sun, J Liu, J Huang, G Wang, X Jia, Q Song
Computational Intelligence 33 (2), 308-331, 2017
Deep wide spatial-temporal based transformer networks modeling for the next destination according to the taxi driver behavior prediction
ZU Abideen, H Sun, Z Yang, RZ Ahmad, A Iftekhar, A Ali
Applied Sciences 11 (1), 17, 2020
An efficient destination prediction approach based on future trajectory prediction and transition matrix optimization
Z Yang, H Sun, J Huang, Z Sun, H Xiong, S Qiao, Z Guan, X Jia
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 32 (2), 203-217, 2018
Detecting overlapping communities in networks via dominant label propagation
HL Sun, JB Huang, YQ Tian, QB Song, HL Liu
Chinese Physics B 24 (1), 018703, 2015
A balanced assignment mechanism for online taxi recommendation
G Dai, J Huang, SM Wambura, H Sun
2017 18th IEEE international conference on mobile data management (MDM), 102-111, 2017
Dynamic community evolution analysis framework for large-scale complex networks based on strong and weak events
S Qiao, N Han, Y Gao, RH Li, J Huang, H Sun, X Wu
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 51 (10), 6229-6243, 2020
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Articles 1–20