Rosihan Ari Yuana
Cited by
Cited by
Active learning strategies in synchronous online learning for elementary school students
P Hatta, Y Aristyagama, R Yuana, S Yulisetiani
Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education 4 (2), 86-93, 2020
67 Trik Dan Ide Brilian Master PHP
RA Yuana
Lokomedia: Yogyakarta, 2010
The contribution of robotics education in primary schools: Teaching and learning
A Lathifah, CW Budiyanto, RA Yuana
AIP conference proceedings 2194 (1), 2019
Adoptinge educational robotics to enhance undergraduate students’ self-efficacy levels of computational thinking
FA Arıstawatı, C Budıyanto, RA Yuana
Journal of Turkish Science Education 15 (STEM Special Issue), 42-50, 2018
Pembuatan Aplikasi Web Berbasis SMS Sebagai Media Penyalur Informasi Dan Komunikasi Antara Sekolah Dengan Orang Tua Siswa
EH Budiarto, RA Yuana, D Maryono
JIPTEK: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan 10 (1), 61-70, 2017
Computational thinking development: Benefiting from educational robotics in STEM teaching
C Wawan, K Fenyvesi, A Lathifah, R Ari
European Journal of Educational Research 11 (4), 2022
Enhancing students’ ability in learning process of programming language using adaptive learning systems: a literature review
NA Anindyaputri, RA Yuana, P Hatta
Open Engineering 10 (1), 820-829, 2020
Hands-on learning in STEM: revisiting educational robotics as a learning style precursor
C Budiyanto, RN Fitriyaningsih, F Kamal, R Ariyuana, A Efendi
Open Engineering 10 (1), 649-657, 2020
Implementation of Scratch application to improve learning outcomes and student motivation on basic programming subjects
L Permatasari, R Yuana, D Maryono
Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education 2 (2), 97-104, 2018
Educational robotics: Evaluating the role of computational thinking in attaining 21st century skills
S Amri, CW Budiyanto, K Fenyvesi, RA Yuana, I Widiastuti
Open Education Studies 4 (1), 322-338, 2022
Development of an android-based learning media application for visually impaired students
N Azmi, D Maryono, R Yuana
Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education 1 (1), 2017
The contribution of the Internet of Things and smart systems to agricultural practices: A survey
T Setiaji, C Budiyanto, RA Yuana
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1098 (5), 052100, 2021
The Use of Robomind Application in Problem Based Learning Model to Enhance the Student’s Understanding on the Conceptual Programming Algorithm.
A Nofitasari, R Yuana, D Maryono
Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education 1 (1), 2017
Measuring mobile applications user’s satisfaction: A closer look into the appropriate information systems user’s satisfaction
E Prastyo, CW Budiyanto, RA Yuana
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1098 (4), 042002, 2021
Robomind utilization to improve student motivation and concept in learning programming
RA Yuana, D Maryono
Proceeding of International Conference on Teacher Training and Education 1 …, 2016
Beyond computational thinking: Investigating CT roles in the 21st century skill efficacy
S Amri, CW Budiyanto, RA Yuana
AIP Conference Proceedings 2194 (1), 2019
Abstract thinking skills of high school students in STEM learning: Literature review
Q Hanif, CW Budiyanto, RA Yuana
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1808 (1), 012019, 2021
The use of heuristic evaluation on UI/UX design: A review to anticipate web app’s usability
NT Ramadhanti, CW Budiyanto, RA Yuana
AIP Conference Proceedings 2540 (1), 2023
Math Thematic Learning through The Introduction of Basic Science-based Programming Games Virtual Robot for High School Students
RA Yuana, M Faisal, D Pangestu, YRL Putri
Advanced Science Letters 21 (7), 2235-2238, 2015
Sistem Rekomendasi Bursa Kerja Khusus (BKK) SMK dengan Metode Simple Additive Weighting
I Maharani, A Budianto, RA Yuana
SISTEMASI 7 (3), 220-229, 2018
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Articles 1–20