Leny Heliawati
Leny Heliawati
Universitas Pakuan
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Antioxidant Properties and Structure-Antioxidant Activity Relationship of Allium Species Leaves
D Kurnia, D Ajiati, L Heliawati, D Sumiarsa
Molecules 26 (23), 7175, 2021
Kimia organik bahan alam
L Heliawati
Bogor: Universitas Pakuan, 2018
Articulate Storyline 3 multimedia based on gamification to improve critical thinking skills and self-regulated learning
L Heliawati, L Lidiawati, I Dwi Pursitasari
The International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) 11 …, 2022
Phytochemical Profile of Antibacterial Agents from Red Betel Leaf (Piper crocatum Ruiz and Pav) against Bacteria in Dental Caries
L Heliawati, S Lestari, U Hasanah, D Ajiati, D Kurnia
Molecules 27 (9), 2861, 2022
Creative Problem Solving Learning through Open-Ended Experiment for Students' Understanding and Scientific Work Using Online Learning
L Heliawati, II Afakillah, ID Pursitasari
International Journal of Instruction 14 (No.4), 2021
The effectiveness of online learning by EdPuzzle in polymer materials on students’ problem-solving skills
Giyanto, L Heliawati, B Rubini
The 15th Joint Conference on Chemistry (JCC 2020) IOP Conference Series …, 2020
Pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis praktikum pada topik laju reaksi
T Sundari, ID Pursitasari, L Heliawati
JPPS (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Sains) 6 (2), 1340-1347, 2017
Ethnochemistry-based adobe flash learning media using indigenous knowledge to improve students' scientific literacy
L Heliawati, L Lidiawati, PNA Adriansyah, E Herlina
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia 11 (2), 271-281, 2022
The Effectiveness of Socioscientific Issue-Based Petroleum Materials Integrated with The Elsmawar Website on Students’ Scientific Literacy
ID Rahayu, A Permanasari, L Heliawati
Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research 3 (2), 279-286, 2022
The effect of STREAM-based teaching materials using smart apps creator 3 on students’ scientific literacy
F Pebriani, L Heliawati, D Ardianto
International Journal of STEM Education for Sustainability 2 (1), 78-93, 2022
Pemanfaatan E-Book Konsep Asam Basa Dalam Pembelajaran Kimia Untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Kimia Siswa SMA Kelas XI
RNE Yulianti, A Permanasari, L Heliawati
Journal of Science Education and Practice 3 (1), 33-41, 2019
Kimia Bahan Organik Alam
L Heliawati
Pascasarjana UNPAK, 1-142, 2018
Four limonoids from the seeds extract of Sandoricum Koetjape
bumi Miranti, L heliawaty, E hermawati, YM Syah
Journal of Natural Medicines, 2019
The Effectiveness of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) online assisted by virtual laboratory on students’ science process skills in acid-base materials
R Firmayanto, L Heliawati, B Rubini
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1918 (5), 052061, 2021
The effectiveness of content and language integrated learning-based teaching material in the topic of the nature of matter on scientific literacy
L Heliawati, B Rubini, R Firmayanto
Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8 (3), 1061-1070, 2020
Kandungan kimia dan bioaktivitas tanaman kecapi
L Heliawati
Bogor: Universitas Pakuan Bogor, 2018
Piceatanol: Anti-cancer compound from Gewang seed extract
L Heliawati, A Kardinan, T Mayanti, R Tjokronegoro
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 5 (01), 110-113, 2015
Student communication skills from internalizing religious values to energy modules in life systems
L Heliawati, I Permana, E Kurniasih
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA 6 (1), 126-134, 2020
Four Dammarane Triterpenes and Their Inhibitory Properties Against Eight Receptor Tyrosine Kinases
L Heliawati, H Khatimah, E Hermawati, YM Syah
Natural Product Sciences 26 (4), 345-350, 2020
L Heliawati
Kimia Organik, vi+138, 2022
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Articles 1–20