Omar Duran
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Cited by
Verification benchmarks for single-phase flow in three-dimensional fractured porous media
I Berre, WM Boon, B Flemisch, A Fumagalli, D Gläser, E Keilegavlen, ...
Advances in Water Resources 147, 103759, 2021
A multiscale hybrid method for Darcy’s problems using mixed finite element local solvers
O Duran, PRB Devloo, SM Gomes, F Valentin
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 354, 213-244, 2019
Three dimensional hierarchical mixed finite element approximations with enhanced primal variable accuracy
DA Castro, PRB Devloo, AM Farias, SM Gomes, D de Siqueira, O Durán
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 306, 479-502, 2016
An enhanced sequential fully implicit scheme for reservoir geomechanics
O Duran, M Sanei, PRB Devloo, ESR Santos
Computational Geosciences 24, 1557-1587, 2020
Hybrid high-order methods for the acoustic wave equation in the time domain
E Burman, O Duran, A Ern
Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 (2), 597-633, 2022
Convergence analysis of hybrid high-order methods for the wave equation
E Burman, O Duran, A Ern, M Steins
Journal of Scientific Computing 87 (3), 91, 2021
Analysis of pore collapse and shear-enhanced compaction in hydrocarbon reservoirs using coupled poro-elastoplasticity and permeability
M Sanei, O Duran, PRB Devloo, ESR Santos
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14 (7), 645, 2021
Hierarchical high order finite element bases for H (div) spaces based on curved meshes for two-dimensional regions or manifolds
DA Castro, PRB Devloo, AM Farias, SM Gomes, O Durán
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 301, 241-258, 2016
Evaluation of the impact of strain-dependent permeability on reservoir productivity using iterative coupled reservoir geomechanical modeling
M Sanei, O Duran, PRB Devloo, ESR Santos
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 8 (2), 54, 2022
High-order composite finite element exact sequences based on tetrahedral–hexahedral–prismatic–pyramidal partitions
PRB Devloo, O Duran, SM Gomes, M Ainsworth
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 355, 952-975, 2019
Mixed finite element approximations based on 3‐D hp‐adaptive curved meshes with two types of H(div)‐conforming spaces
PRB Devloo, O Durán, SM Gomes, N Shauer
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 113 (7), 1045-1060, 2018
An innovative procedure to improve integration algorithm for modified Cam-Clay plasticity model
M Sanei, O Duran, PRB Devloo, ESR Santos
Computers and Geotechnics 124, 103604, 2020
An innovative scheme to make an initial guess for iterative optimization methods to calibrate material parameters of strain-hardening elastoplastic models
M Sanei, PRB Devloo, TLD Forti, O Durán, ESR Santos
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 1-23, 2022
Finite element modeling of a nonlinear poromechanic deformation in porous media
M Sanei, O Duran, PRB Devloo
Proceedings of the XXXVIII Iberian Latin American Congress on Computational …, 2017
A multiscale mixed finite element method applied to the simulation of two-phase flows
O Duran, PRB Devloo, SM Gomes, J Villegas
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 383, 113870, 2021
An object-oriented framework for multiphysics problems combining different approximation spaces
AM Farias, PRB Devloo, SM Gomes, O Duran
Finite elements in analysis and design 151, 34-49, 2018
Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of a bioreactor landfill using Feel++
G Dollé, O Duran, N Feyeux, E Frénod, M Giacomini, C Prud’Homme
ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys 55, 83-110, 2016
Unfitted hybrid high-order methods for the wave equation
E Burman, O Duran, A Ern
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 389, 114366, 2022
H(div) finite elements based on nonaffine meshes for 3D mixed formulations of flow problems with arbitrary high order accuracy of the divergence of the flux
P Remy Bernard Devloo, O Durán, A Monteiro Farias, S Maria Gomes
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 121 (13), 2896-2915, 2020
Development of a surrogate multiscale reservoir simulator coupled with geomechanics
OYD Triana
PhD Thesis, FEM-Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2017. http://repositorio …, 2017
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Articles 1–20