Min-Yeong Moon
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Cited by
Confidence-based reliability assessment considering limited numbers of both input and output test data
MY Moon, H Cho, KK Choi, N Gaul, D Lamb, D Gorsich
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 57, 2027-2043, 2018
Reliability-based design optimization using confidence-based model validation for insufficient experimental data
MY Moon, KK Choi, H Cho, N Gaul, D Lamb, D Gorsich
Journal of Mechanical Design 139 (3), 031404, 2017
Structure–property–performance linkages for heterogenous energetic materials through multi-scale modeling
S Roy, O Sen, NK Rai, M Moon, E Welle, C Molek, KK Choi, ...
Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design 3, 265-293, 2020
Treating epistemic uncertainty using bootstrapping selection of input distribution model for confidence-based reliability assessment
MY Moon, KK Choi, N Gaul, D Lamb
Journal of Mechanical Design 141 (3), 031402, 2019
Uncertainty quantification and statistical model validation for an offshore jacket structure panel given limited test data and simulation model
MY Moon, HS Kim, K Lee, B Park, KK Choi
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 61, 2305-2318, 2020
Target output distribution and distribution of bias for statistical model validation given a limited number of test data
MY Moon, KK Choi, D Lamb
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 60 (4), 1327-1353, 2019
Adjoint design sensitivity analysis of dynamic crack propagation using peridynamic theory
MY Moon, JH Kim, YD Ha, S Cho
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 51, 585-598, 2015
Development of a conservative model validation approach for reliable analysis
MY Moon, KK Choi, H Cho, N Gaul, D Lamb, D Gorsich
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2015
Multiscale Multidiscip
S Roy, O Sen, NK Rai, M Moon, E Welle, C Molek, KK Choi, ...
Model. Exp. Des 3, 265, 2020
Confidence-Based Uncertainty Quantification and Reliability Assessment Using Limited Numbers of Input and Output Test Data and Validated Simulation Model
KK Choi, H Cho, M Moon, N Gaul, D Lamb, D Gorsich
NDIA Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium, 2017
Reliability-based design optimization using confidence-based model validation for insufficient experimental data
MY Moon, KK Choi, H Cho, N Gaul, D Lamb, D Gorsich
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2016
Confidence-based uncertainty quantification and model validation for simulations of high-speed impact problems
MY Moon, O Sen, NK Rai, NJ Gaul, KK Choi, HS Udaykumar
Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification 5 (2), 021005, 2020
Establishing structure-property-performance linkages for energetic materials
S Roy, O Sen, N Rai, MY Moon, K Choi, C Molek, E Welle, A Diggs, ...
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 64, 2019
A framework for propagation of uncertainties from meso-to continuum scale computational models for shock-to-detonation transition in energetic materials.
O Sen, S Roy, S Lee, N Rai, MY Moon, KK Choi, HS Udaykumar
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 64, 2019
Confidence-based model validation for reliability assessment and its integration with reliability-based design optimization
MY Moon
The University of Iowa, 2017
X-FEM Based Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis of Crack Propagation Problems
MY Moon, SH Ahn, SH Cho
Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference …, 2011
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Articles 1–16