Francisco J. Tapiador
Francisco J. Tapiador
Catedrático (Full Professor) of Earth Physics at UCLM
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Global precipitation measurement: Methods, datasets and applications
FJ Tapiador, FJ Turk, W Petersen, AY Hou, E García-Ortega, ...
Atmospheric Research 104, 70-97, 2012
Regional climate models: 30 years of dynamical downscaling
FJ Tapiador, A Navarro, R Moreno, JL Sánchez, E García-Ortega
Atmospheric Research 235, 104785, 2020
Global precipitation measurements for validating climate models
FJ Tapiador, A Navarro, V Levizzani, E García-Ortega, GJ Huffman, ...
Atmospheric Research 197, 1-20, 2017
A neural networks–based fusion technique to estimate half-hourly rainfall estimates at 0.1 resolution from satellite passive microwave and infrared data
FJ Tapiador, C Kidd, V Levizzani, FS Marzano
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 43 (4), 576-594, 2004
An experiment to measure the spatial variability of rain drop size distribution using sixteen laser disdrometers
FJ Tapiador, R Checa, M De Castro
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (16), 2010
Land use mapping methodology using remote sensing for the regional planning directives in Segovia, Spain
FJ Tapiador, JL Casanova
Landscape and urban planning 62 (2), 103-115, 2003
Is precipitation a good metric for model performance?
FJ Tapiador, R Roca, A Del Genio, B Dewitte, W Petersen, F Zhang
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (2), 223-233, 2019
Characterizing European high speed train stations using intermodal time and entropy metrics
FJ Tapiador, K Burckhart, J Martí-Henneberg
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 43 (2), 197-208, 2009
The geographical efficiency of Spain's regional airports: A quantitative analysis
FJ Tapiador, A Mateos, J Martí-Henneberg
Journal of Air Transport Management 14 (4), 205-212, 2008
Neural networks in satellite rainfall estimation
FJ Tapiador, C Kidd, KL Hsu, F Marzano
Meteorological Applications 11 (1), 83-91, 2004
The contribution of rain gauges in the calibration of the IMERG product: Results from the first validation over Spain
FJ Tapiador, A Navarro, E García-Ortega, A Merino, JL Sánchez, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 21 (2), 161-182, 2020
Climate classifications from regional and global climate models: Performances for present climate estimates and expected changes in the future at high spatial resolution
FJ Tapiador, R Moreno, A Navarro, JL Sánchez, E García-Ortega
Atmospheric research 228, 107-121, 2019
Assessment of renewable energy potential through satellite data and numerical models
FJ Tapiador
Energy & Environmental Science 2 (11), 1142-1161, 2009
Empirical values and assumptions in the microphysics of numerical models
FJ Tapiador, JL Sánchez, E García-Ortega
Atmospheric Research 215, 214-238, 2019
Regional changes in precipitation in Europe under an increased greenhouse emissions scenario
FJ Tapiador, E Sanchez, MA Gaertner
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (6), 2007
Deriving fine-scale socioeconomic information of urban areas using very high-resolution satellite imagery
FJ Tapiador, S Avelar, C Tavares-Corrêa, R Zah
International journal of remote sensing 32 (21), 6437-6456, 2011
A comparison of perturbed initial conditions and multiphysics ensembles in a severe weather episode in Spain
FJ Tapiador, WK Tao, JJ Shi, CF Angelis, MA Martinez, C Marcos, ...
Journal of applied meteorology and climatology 51 (3), 489-504, 2012
A joint estimate of the precipitation climate signal in Europe using eight regional models and five observational datasets
FJ Tapiador
Journal of Climate 23 (7), 1719-1738, 2010
Vote evolution in Spain, 1977–2007: A spatial analysis at the municipal scale
FJ Tapiador, J Mezo
Political Geography 28 (5), 319-328, 2009
On the optimal measuring area for pointwise rainfall estimation: A dedicated experiment with 14 laser disdrometers
FJ Tapiador, A Navarro, R Moreno, A Jiménez-Alcázar, C Marcos, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 18 (3), 753-760, 2017
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Articles 1–20