Brett R Schofield
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Cited by
Orientation selectivity and the arrangement of horizontal connections in tree shrew striate cortex
WH Bosking, Y Zhang, B Schofield, D Fitzpatrick
Journal of neuroscience 17 (6), 2112-2127, 1997
Afferent projections of the superior olivary complex
AM Thompson, BR Schofield
Microscopy research and technique 51 (4), 330-354, 2000
Dendritic morphology and axon collaterals of corticotectal, corticopontine, and callosal neurons in layer V of primary visual cortex of the hooded rat
LE Hallman, BR Schofield, CS Lin
Journal of Comparative Neurology 272 (1), 149-160, 1988
The sublaminar organization of corticogeniculate neurons in layer 6 of macaque striate cortex
D Fitzpatrick, WM Usrey, BR Schofield, G Einstein
Visual neuroscience 11 (2), 307-315, 1994
Cholinergic cells of the pontomesencephalic tegmentum: connections with auditory structures from cochlear nucleus to cortex
BR Schofield, SD Motts, JG Mellott
Hearing research 279 (1-2), 85-95, 2011
Origins and targets of commissural connections between the cochlear nuclei in guinea pigs
BR Schofield, NB Cant
Journal of Comparative Neurology 375 (1), 128-146, 1996
Organization of the superior olivary complex in the guinea pig. I. Cytoarchitecture, cytochrome oxidase histochemistry, and dendritic morphology
BR Schofield, NB Cant
Journal of Comparative Neurology 314 (4), 645-670, 1991
Projections from the cochlear nucleus to the superior paraolivary nucleus in guinea pigs
BR Schofield
Journal of Comparative Neurology 360 (1), 135-149, 1995
Descending auditory pathways: projections from the inferior colliculus contact superior olivary cells that project bilaterally to the cochlear nuclei
BR Schofield, NB Cant
Journal of Comparative Neurology 409 (2), 210-223, 1999
Ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus in guinea pigs: cytoarchitecture and inputs from the cochlear nucleus
BR Schofield, NB Cant
Journal of Comparative Neurology 379 (3), 363-385, 1997
Projections from the auditory cortex to the superior olivary complex in guinea pigs
DL Coomes, BR Schofield
European Journal of Neuroscience 19 (8), 2188-2200, 2004
Projections from the ventral cochlear nucleus to the inferior colliculus and the contralateral cochlear nucleus in guinea pigs
BR Schofield, NB Cant
Hearing research 102 (1-2), 1-14, 1996
Retrograde axonal tracing with fluorescent markers
BR Schofield
Current protocols in neuroscience 43 (1), 1.17. 1-1.17. 24, 2008
Organization of the superior olivary complex in the guinea pig: II. Patterns of projection from the periolivary nuclei to the inferior colliculus
BR Schofield, NB Cant
Journal of Comparative Neurology 317 (4), 438-455, 1992
Projections to the cochlear nuclei from principal cells in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body in guinea pigs
BR Schofield
Journal of Comparative Neurology 344 (1), 83-100, 1994
Superior paraolivary nucleus in the pigmented guinea pig: separate classes of neurons project to the inferior colliculus and the cochlear nucleus
BR Schofield
Journal of Comparative Neurology 312 (1), 68-76, 1991
Auditory cortical projections to the cochlear nucleus in guinea pigs
BR Schofield, DL Coomes
Hearing research 199 (1-2), 89-102, 2005
Distribution of cholinergic cells in guinea pig brainstem
SD Motts, AS Slusarczyk, CS Sowick, BR Schofield
Neuroscience 154 (1), 186-195, 2008
Sources of cholinergic input to the inferior colliculus
SD Motts, BR Schofield
Neuroscience 160 (1), 103-114, 2009
Projections to the inferior colliculus from layer VI cells of auditory cortex
BR Schofield
Neuroscience 159 (1), 246-258, 2009
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