Extracurricular environmental activities in Moroccan middle schools: Opportunities and challenges to promoting effective environmental education. B El-Batri, A Alami, M Zaki, Y Nafidi European Journal of Educational Research 8 (4), 1013-1028, 2019 | 43 | 2019 |
Promotion of the environmental knowledge and behavior through the Moroccan syllabus of sciences in the middle school B El Batri, A Alami, M Zaki, Y Nafidi, D Chenfour International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education 11 (4), 371-381, 2019 | 27 | 2019 |
Impacts of the use of a digital simulation in learning earth sciences (the case of relative dating in high school) Y Nafıdı, A Alamı, M Zakı, B El Batrı, H Afkar Journal of turkish science education 15 (1), 89-108, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
L'intégration des TIC dans l’enseignement des sciences de la vie et de la terre au Maroc: état des lieux et défis à relever Y Nafidi, A Alami, M Zaki, B El Batri, ME Hassani, H Afkar European Scientific Journal 14 (1), 97-121, 2018 | 24 | 2018 |
Open and distance learning in the initial education of trainee teachers Y Nafidi, A Alami, M Zaki, H Afkar International Journal of Education Learning and Development 3 (9), 53-64, 2015 | 9 | 2015 |
Environmental education in Moroccan primary schools: Promotion of representations, knowledge, and environmental activities B El-Batri, A Alami, M Zaki, Y Nafidi İlköğretim Online, 219-239, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Impacts de l’usage d’une simulation numérique sur l’apprentissage en sciences de la terre. 1ère Edition du Workshop International sur les Approches Pédagogiques & E-Learning Y Nafidi, A Alami, M Zaki Ou-Zennou, F., El Mahmoudi, A., & Bouderhem, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
Exploring Students' Probabilistic Difficulties using Numerical Simulations of Random Experiment H El Amrani, M Zaki, Y Nafidi International Journal of Food Science & Technology 3 (4), 301-306, 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
Enhancing online learning: A comparative analysis of moodle and google classroom in rabat’s faculty of education sciences Y Nafidi, B El-Batri The International Journal of Technology, Innovation, and Education 1 (2), 30-50, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Impact de l'apprentissage mixte utilisant Google Classroom sur la formation initiale des futurs enseignants du secondaire Y Nafidi, H Afkar, A El-Ammari, B El-Batri International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies 35 (1), 119-128, 2021 | 1 | 2021 |
Digital Simulations and the Recognition of Conceptual Representations in Learners H El Amrani, M Zaki, Y Nafidi Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning and Optimization …, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
Artificial Intelligence in Education: Perceptions, Use, and Challenges Among Trainee Teachers in Morocco. Y NAFIDI Revue Marocaine de Didactique et Pédagogie 4 (2), 2024 | | 2024 |
L’enseignement à distance au temps de la Covid-19 : Cas de la Faculté des Sciences de l'Education de Rabat Y Nafidi International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies 34 (3), 601-612, 2021 | | 2021 |
Intégration pédagogique des TIC dans l'enseignement du secondaire: Impact et évaluation des enseignements et des apprentissages Y Nafidi Université sidi mohammed ben abdellah, Faculté des sciences dhar el mahraz-Fès, 2019 | | 2019 |
Lab. Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Ingénierie pédagogique Y NAFIDI | | 2016 |
Recognition of Students' Probabilistic Conceptual Representations through Random Experiment Simulations H EL AMRANI, M ZAKI, Y NAFIDI | | |
European Journal of Educational Research B El-Batri, A Alami, M Zaki, Y Nafidi European Journal of Educational Research 8 (4), 1013-1028, 0 | | |
VEILLE scientifique L’hypermédia Au Service De La Formation Initiale D’enseignants-Stagiaires (Cas Du CRMEF-FESMEKNES) Y Nafidi, A Alami, M Zaki, H Afkar, ME Elhassani | | |
Youssef NAFIDI the moroccan educational system” DME Elhassani International Journal of Curren Key words, 0 | | |
Impacts de l’usage d’une simulation numérique sur l’apprentissage en sciences de la terre Y Nafidi | | |