Quang-Hiếu Lương
Cited by
Cited by
Ultra-ductile behavior of fly ash-based engineered geopolymer composites with a tensile strain capacity up to 13.7%
HH Nguyễn, QH Lương, JI Choi, R Ranade, VC Li, BY Lee
Cement and Concrete Composites 122, 104133, 2021
Effects of crumb rubber particles on mechanical properties and sustainability of ultra-high-ductile slag-based composites
QH Lương, HH Nguyễn, JI Choi, HK Kim, BY Lee
Construction and Building Materials 272, 121959, 2021
Mechanical and autogenous healing properties of high-strength and ultra-ductility engineered geopolymer composites reinforced by PE-PVA hybrid fibers
HH Nguyễn, PH Nguyễn, QH Lương, W Meng, BY Lee
Cement and Concrete Composites 142, 105155, 2023
Extremely-ductile alkali-activated slag-based composite with a tensile strain capacity up to 22%
QH Lương, HH Nguyễn, PH Nguyễn, ST Kang, BY Lee
Ceramics International 49 (8), 12069-12078, 2023
Cementless ultra-ductile composites reinforced by polyethylene-based short selvedge fibers for sustainable and resilient infrastructure
SE Park, JI Choi, HH Nguyễn, QH Lương, PH Nguyễn, BY Lee
Journal of Building Engineering 68, 106198, 2023
Optimization of fly ash-based polyethylene fiber-reinforced engineered cement-free composites with low-density and ultra-ductility using Taguchi robust design method
PH Nguyễn, HH Nguyễn, QH Lương, JE Bolander, BY Lee
Journal of Building Engineering 66, 105946, 2023
Crack-healing of cost-effective engineered cementitious composites reinforced by recycled selvage fiber
HH Nguyễn, PH Nguyễn, QH Lương, SE Park, Y Kim, BY Lee
Cement and Concrete Composites 154, 105776, 2024
Micromechanical and mineralogy analyses on extremely ductile engineered geopolymer composites with different activator pretreatments
HH Nguyễn, QH Lương, PH Nguyễn, HK Kim, Y Kim, BY Lee
Journal of Building Engineering 80, 108093, 2023
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Articles 1–8