Mangalam H
Mangalam H
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Cited by
Power efficient and high performance VLSI architecture for AES algorithm
K Kalaiselvi, H Mangalam
Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology 2 (2), 178-183, 2015
Design and implementation of power and area optimized AES architecture on FPGA for IoT application
P Rajasekar, H Mangalam
Circuit World 47 (2), 153-163, 2020
A delay efficient vedic multiplier
E Prabhu, H Mangalam, PR Gokul
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical …, 2019
Design of area and power efficient Radix-4 DIT FFT butterfly unit using floating point fused arithmetic
E Prabhu, H Mangalam, S Karthick
Journal of Central South University 23, 1669-1681, 2016
Gate and subthreshold leakage reduced SRAM cells
H Mangalam, K Gunavathi
DSP Journal 6 (1), 2006
RADAR based vehicle collision avoidance system used in four wheeler automobile segments
R Sivakumar, H Mangalam
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 5 (1), 763-770, 2014
Third generation memetic optimization technique for energy efficient routing stability and load balancing in MANET
PC Sekar, H Mangalam
Cluster Computing 22 (Suppl 5), 11941-11948, 2019
Efficient FPGA implementation of AES 128 bit for IEEE 802.16 e mobile WiMax standards
P Rajasekar, H Mangalam
Circuits and Systems 7 (4), 371-380, 2016
Design of a CMOS PFD-CP module for a PLL
NK Anushkannan, H Mangalam
Sadhana 40, 1105-1116, 2015
Design and implementation of low power multistage AES S box
P Rajasekar, H Mangalam
International Journal of Applied engineering Research 10, 40535-40540, 2015
Performance comparison of multipliers based on Square and Multiply and montgomery algorithms
PR Gokul, E Prabhu, H Mangalam
2014 International Conference on Green Computing Communication and …, 2014
Design, simulation, and optimization of optical full-adder based on Mach–Zehnder interference
NK Anushkannan, H Mangalam, CR Rathish, A Kumar
Optics Communications 528, 129056, 2023
Ensemble hill climbing optimization in adaptive cruise control for safe automated vehicle transportation
R Sivakumar, H Mangalam
The Journal of Supercomputing 76, 5780-5800, 2020
Design of low power S-box in Architecture Level using GF
M Shanthini, P Rajasekar, H Mangalam
International journal of engineering research and general science (IJERG …, 2014
Area efficient high speed and low power MAC unit
K Kalaiselvi, H Mangalam
International Journal of Computer Applications 67 (23), 2013
Design of low power digital fir filter based on bypassing multiplier
E Prabhu, H Mangalam, K Saranya
International Journal of Computer Applications 70 (9), 2013
FPGA architecture for text extraction from images
O Vignesh, H Mangalam, S Gayathri
Cluster Computing 22 (Suppl 5), 12137-12146, 2019
Design of low power optimized MixColumn/inverse MixColumn architecture for AES
P Rajasekar, H Mangalam
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 11, 922-926, 2016
Wavelet-based image compression of quasi encrypted grayscale images
SS Kumar, H Mangalam
International Journal of Computer Applications 45 (12), 2012
A Modified PFD Based PLL with Frequency Dividers in 0.18-µm CMOS Technology
NK Anushkannan, H Mangalam
Circuits and Systems 7 (13), 4169-4185, 2016
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Articles 1–20