Yaser Mowafi
Yaser Mowafi
Associate Professor, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Western Kentucky University
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User-centered context-aware mobile applications―The next generation of personal mobile computing
D Zhang, B Adipat, Y Mowafi
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 24 (1), 3, 2009
Anatomical-plane-based representation for human–human interactions analysis
R Alazrai, Y Mowafi, CSG Lee
Pattern Recognition 48 (8), 2346-2363, 2015
Study of the usability of spaced retrieval exercise using mobile devices for Alzheimer’s disease rehabilitation
A Zmily, Y Mowafi, E Mashal
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2 (3), e3136, 2014
An interactive pedagogy in mobile context for augmenting early childhood numeric literacy and quantifying skills
Y Mowafi, I Abumuhfouz
Journal of Educational Computing Research 58 (8), 1541-1561, 2021
A fall prediction methodology for elderly based on a depth camera
R Alazrai, Y Mowafi, E Hamad
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Fall detection for elderly using anatomical-plane-based representation
R Alazrai, A Zmily, Y Mowafi
2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2014
A user-centered approach to context-awareness in mobile computing
Y Mowafi, D Zhang
2007 Fourth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems …, 2007
A Context-aware Adaptive Security Framework for Mobile Applications.
Y Mowafi, I Dhiah el Diehn, T Al-Aqarbeh, M Abilov, V Dmitriyev, ...
ICCASA 14, 147-153ICST, 2014
Tracking human mobility at mass gathering events using WISP
Y Mowafi, A Zmily, I Dhiah el Diehn, D Abu-Saymeh
Second international conference on future generation communication …, 2013
A play-based interactive learning approach for fostering counting and numbers learning skills for early childhood education using QR codes mobile technologies
Y Mowafi, I Abumuhfouz, J Redifer
Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems: 16th International …, 2019
An ensemble-based regression approach for continuous estimation of wrist and fingers movements from surface electromyography
R Alazrai, A Khalifeh, N Alnuman, D Alabed, Y Mowafi
2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2016
Exploring a context-based network access control for mobile devices
Y Mowafi, I Dhiah el Diehn, A Zmily, T Al-Aqarbeh, M Abilov, V Dmitriyevr
Procedia Computer Science 62, 547-554, 2015
User-centered approaches to context awareness: Prospects and challenges
Y Mowafi, R Alazrai, A Zmily
Context in computing: a cross-disciplinary approach for modeling the real …, 2014
An interactive educational environment for preschool children
A Zmily, CB Class, Y Mowafi, D Abu-Saymeh
International Workshop on Interaction Design in Educational Environments 2 …, 2013
Continuous estimation of hand's joint angles from sEMG using wavelet-based features and SVR
R Alazrai, D Alabed, N Alnuman, A Khalifeh, Y Mowafi
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on ICTs for improving Patients …, 2016
Putting context in the network access of mobile applications using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process
YA Mowafi, T Alaqarbeh, R Alazrai
International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST) 11 (2 …, 2019
sEMG-based approach for estimating wrist and fingers joint angles using discrete wavelet transform
R Alazrai, D Alabed, N Alnuman, A Khalifeh, Y Mowafi
2016 IEEE EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES …, 2016
A Wavelet-Based Approach for Estimating the Joint Angles of the Fingers and Wrist Using Electromyography Signals
R Alazrai, MI Daoud, A Khalifeh, N Alnuman, Y Mowafi, D Alabed
New Technologies to Improve Patient Rehabilitation: 4th Workshop, REHAB 2016 …, 2019
Determining decision values of context awareness in ubiquitous computing environments
YA Mowafi, G Forgionne
Journal of Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis 18 (3-4), 203-218, 2011
Examining a Bayesian approach to personalizing context awareness in ubiquitous computing environments
Y Mowafi, D Zhang, G Fogionne
Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing: 4th …, 2009
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Articles 1–20