Alexandre Schickele
Alexandre Schickele
Postdoc, ETH Zürich, Environmental Physics (UP) Group. Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant
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Cited by
Cited by
European small pelagic fish distribution under global change scenarios
A Schickele, E Goberville, B Leroy, G Beaugrand, T Hattab, P Francour, ...
Fish and Fisheries 22 (1), 212-225, 2021
Modelling European small pelagic fish distribution: Methodological insights
A Schickele, B Leroy, G Beaugrand, E Goberville, T Hattab, P Francour, ...
Ecological Modelling 416, 108902, 2020
European cephalopods distribution under climate-change scenarios
A Schickele, P Francour, V Raybaud
Scientific reports 11 (1), 3930, 2021
Improving predictions of invasive fish ranges combining functional and ecological traits with environmental suitability under climate change scenarios
A Schickele, P Guidetti, S Giakoumi, A Zenetos, P Francour, V Raybaud
Global Change Biology 27 (23), 6086-6102, 2021
Expected contraction in the distribution ranges of demersal fish of high economic value in the Mediterranean and European Seas
E Ben Lamine, A Schickele, E Goberville, G Beaugrand, D Allemand, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 10150, 2022
Climate change impacts on Mediterranean fisheries: A sensitivity and vulnerability analysis for main commercial species
S Farahmand, N Hilmi, M Cinar, A Safa, VWY Lam, S Djoundourian, ...
Ecological Economics 211, 107889, 2023
Redistribution of fisheries catch potential in Mediterranean and North European waters under climate change scenarios
EB Lamine, A Schickele, P Guidetti, D Allemand, N Hilmi, V Raybaud
Science of The Total Environment 879, 163055, 2023
Picoeukaryotic photosynthetic potential is functionally redundant but taxonomically structured at global scale
A Schickele, P Debeljak, SD Ayata, L Bittner, E Pelletier, L Guidi, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.09. 22.558943, 2023
Exploring and mapping plankton genomics data with Blue-Cloud
P Debeljak, A Schickele, SD Ayata, L Bittner, JO Irisson, F Drago
The genomic potential of photosynthesis in piconanoplankton is functionally redundant but taxonomically structured at a global scale
A Schickele, P Debeljak, SD Ayata, L Bittner, E Pelletier, L Guidi, ...
Science Advances 10 (33), eadl0534, 2024
Standardizing marine habitat modelling practices to enhance inter-comparability across biological observations
A Schickele, C Clerc, F Benedetti, D De Angelis, U Hofmann Elizondo, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.09. 02.610745, 2024
Modelling species distribution, ecosystem structure and function and climate change
SB Blanche, N Quentin, N Nathalie, B Pierre, R Virginie, G Eric, B Grégory, ...
Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, 2023
Decline in High Economic Value Fish in the Mediterranean and European Seas
EB Lamine, A Schickele, E Goberville, G Beaugrand, D Allemand, ...
Future distributional range modelling of marine species of commercial interest in the Mediterranean in a climate change context
A Schickele
Université Côte d'Azur, 2020
Modélisation des aires de répartition futures d'espèces marines d'intérêt commercial en Méditerranée dans un contexte de changement climatique
A Schickele
Université Côte d'Azur, 2020
Contribution of the estuarine habitats to the productivity and the food web functioning of the Seine Aval: Impact of the infrastructures and global change
A Schickele
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: DUMAS …, 2016
Contribution des habitats estuariens à la productivité et au fonctionnement du réseau trophique de la Seine Aval: impacts des aménagements et du changement global
A Schickele
Contribution des habitats estuariens à la productivité et au fonctionnement du réseau trophique de la Seine Aval.
Climate Change Impacts on Mediterranean Fisheries: A Risk and Vulnerability Analysis for Main Commercial Species
S Farahmand, E Cinar, A Safa, V Lam, S Djoundourian, W Shahin, ...
Alain and Lam, Vicky and Djoundourian, Salpie and Shahin, Wassim and Ben …, 0
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Articles 1–19