Sonali Mondal
Sonali Mondal
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, SRM University AP, Andhra Pradesh
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Cited by
Polarized shear waves in functionally graded piezoelectric material layer sandwiched between corrugated piezomagnetic layer and elastic substrate
SA Sahu, S Mondal, N Dewangan
Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials 21 (8), 2921-2948, 2019
Influence of imperfect bonding on the reflection and transmission of QP-wave at the interface of two functionally graded piezoelectric materials
S Goyal, S Sahu, S Mondal
Wave Motion 92, 102431, 2020
Modelling of love-type wave propagation in piezomagnetic layer over a lossy viscoelastic substrate: Sturm–Liouville problem
S Goyal, SA Sahu, S Mondal
Smart Materials and Structures 28 (5), 057001, 2019
Reflection and transmission of quasi-plane waves at the interface of piezoelectric semiconductors with initial stresses
SA Sahu, S Nirwal, S Mondal
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 42 (7), 951-968, 2021
Propagation of SH waves in corrugated FGPM layer lying over a piezomagnetic half-space
S Mondal, S Anand Sahu
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 26 (1), 29-34, 2019
Mathematical analysis of surface wave transference through imperfect interface in FGPM bedded structure
S Mondal, SA Sahu, S Goyal
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines 50 (8), 2911-2928, 2022
Analysis of mechanical vibration (SH wave) in Piezo-composite plates
SA Sahu, S Kumari, S Mondal, KK Pankaj
Materials Research Express 6 (12), 125705, 2019
Transference of Love-type waves in a bedded structure containing a functionally graded material and a porous piezoelectric medium
S Mondal, SA Sahu, KK PANKAJ
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) 40 (8), 1083–1096, 2019
Scattering of waves at the interface of two distinct anisotropic media
S Mondal, SA Sahu, S Goyal
Waves in Random and Complex Media 31 (6), 2407-2426, 2021
Mathematical Analysis of Rayleigh Waves at the Nonplanner Boundary between Orthotropic and Micropolar Media
SA Sahu, S Mondal, S Nirwal
International Journal of Geomechanics 23 (3), 04022313, 2023
Analysis of wave scattering on piezoelectric surface with flexoelectric effect
S Mondal, SA Sahu, S Nirwal
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 45 (12), 7700-7714, 2022
Reflection and transmission of waves at the common interface of piezoelectric half-spaces with microstructure
S Nirwal, SA Sahu, S Mondal
Applied Mathematical Modelling 101, 533-552, 2022
Dynamics of Love-Type Waves in Orthotropic Layer Under the Influence of Heterogeneity and Corrugation
SA Sahu, S Goyal, S Mondal
Journal of Solid Mechanics 11 (2), 475-485, 2019
Linear spring model to analyse the effect of interfacial imperfection on the propagation and attenuation of Love-type waves in viscoelastic-FGPM bedded structure
S Mondal
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 28 (10), 2300-2313, 2023
Love wave propagation on nano-sized layered piezoelectric plate clamped on micropolar substrate
M Murshid AK, S Mondal
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 1-14, 2024
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Articles 1–15