Siah Hwee Ang
Siah Hwee Ang
Chair in Business in Asia, Victoria University of Wellington
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Analysing the ‘black box’of HRM: Uncovering HR goals, mediators, and outcomes in a standardized service environment
P Boxall, SH Ang, T Bartram
Journal of Management Studies 48 (7), 1504-1532, 2011
Competitive intensity and collaboration: Impact on firm growth across technological environments
SH Ang
Strategic Management Journal 29 (10), 1057-1075, 2008
The impact of the home country on internationalization
A Cuervo-Cazurra, Y Luo, R Ramamurti, SH Ang
Journal of World Business 53 (5), 593-604, 2018
The impact of expatriate supporting practices and cultural intelligence on cross-cultural adjustment and performance of expatriates in Singapore
PC Wu, SH Ang
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 22 (13), 2683-2702, 2011
The effects of high-performance work systems on hospital employees' work attitudes and intention to leave: a multi-level and occupational group analysis
SH Ang, T Bartram, N McNeil, SG Leggat, P Stanton
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (16), 3086-3114, 2013
The interactions of institutions on foreign market entry mode
SH Ang, MH Benischke, JP Doh
Strategic Management Journal 36 (10), 1536-1553, 2015
From the editors: New directions in the reporting of statistical results in the Journal of World Business
ED Hahn, SH Ang
Journal of World Business 52 (2), 125-126, 2017
Increasing replication for knowledge accumulation in strategy research
K Singh, SH Ang, SM Leong
Journal of Management 29 (4), 533-549, 2003
Research design for business and management
SH Ang
Institutional explanations of cross-border alliance modes: The case of emerging economies firms
S Michailova, S Hwee Ang
Management International Review 48, 551-576, 2008
Building intangible resources: The stickiness of reputation
SH Ang, AM Wight
Corporate Reputation Review 12, 21-32, 2009
Building reputations: The role of alliances in the European business school scene
C Baden-Fuller, SH Ang
Long Range Planning 34 (6), 741-755, 2001
The impact of imitation strategy and R&D resources on incremental and radical innovation: evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms
J Wu, KR Harrigan, SH Ang, Z Wu
The Journal of Technology Transfer 44, 210-230, 2019
Competition, diversification and performance
G Ljubownikow, SH Ang
Journal of Business Research 112, 81-94, 2020
Network complementaries in the international expansion of emerging market firms
J Wu, SH Ang
Journal of World Business 55 (2), 101045, 2020
Dealing with uncertainties in the biotechnology industry: the use of real options reasoning
S Remer, SH Ang, C Baden‐Fuller
Journal of Commercial Biotechnology 8 (2), 95-105, 2001
The strategies and success of government linked corporations in Singapore
K Singh, HA Siah
Human resource management, social connectedness and health and well-being of older and retired men: The role of Men’s Sheds
SH Ang, J Cavanagh, A Southcombe, T Bartram, T Marjoribanks, ...
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 28 (14), 1986-2016, 2017
International Diversification: A ‘Quick Fix’ for Better Company Performance?
SH Ang
University of Auckland Business Review 9 (1), 17-23, 2007
Frequency of international expansion through high control market expansion modes and interlocked directorships
SH Ang, MH Benischke, AWL Hooi
Journal of World Business 53 (4), 493-503, 2018
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Articles 1–20