Hong Hanh Nguyen
Hong Hanh Nguyen
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Cited by
An integrated native mass spectrometry and top-down proteomics method that connects sequence to structure and function of macromolecular complexes
H Li, HH Nguyen, RR Ogorzalek Loo, IDG Campuzano, JA Loo
Nature chemistry 10 (2), 139-148, 2018
Inhibition of cell proliferation by an anti-EGFR aptamer
N Li, HH Nguyen, M Byrom, AD Ellington
PloS one 6 (6), e20299, 2011
Directed evolution of gold nanoparticle delivery to cells
N Li, T Larson, HH Nguyen, KV Sokolov, AD Ellington
Chemical communications 46 (3), 392-394, 2010
Technical and biological issues relevant to cell typing with aptamers
N Li, JN Ebright, GM Stovall, X Chen, HH Nguyen, A Singh, A Syrett, ...
Journal of proteome research 8 (5), 2438-2448, 2009
CryoEM structure of the Methanospirillum hungatei archaellum reveals structural features distinct from the bacterial flagellum and type IV pilus
N Poweleit, P Ge, HH Nguyen, RRO Loo, RP Gunsalus, ZH Zhou
Nature Microbiology 2 (3), 1-12, 2016
Morphology of the archaellar motor and associated cytoplasmic cone in Thermococcus kodakaraensis
A Briegel, CM Oikonomou, YW Chang, A Kjær, AN Huang, KW Kim, ...
EMBO reports 18 (9), 1660-1670, 2017
Membrane Complexes of Syntrophomonas wolfei Involved in Syntrophic Butyrate Degradation and Hydrogen Formation
BR Crable, JR Sieber, X Mao, L Alvarez-Cohen, R Gunsalus, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 7, 1795, 2016
In vitro reconstitution of sortase-catalyzed pilus polymerization reveals structural elements involved in pilin cross-linking
C Chang, BR Amer, J Osipiuk, SA McConnell, IH Huang, V Hsieh, J Fu, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (24), E5477-E5486, 2018
Pyrophosphate-dependent ATP formation from acetyl coenzyme A in Syntrophus aciditrophicus, a new twist on ATP formation
KL James, LA Ríos-Hernández, NQ Wofford, H Mouttaki, JR Sieber, ...
MBio 7 (4), 10.1128/mbio. 01208-16, 2016
Syntrophus aciditrophicus uses the same enzymes in a reversible manner to degrade and synthesize aromatic and alicyclic acids
KL James, JW Kung, BR Crable, H Mouttaki, JR Sieber, HH Nguyen, ...
Environmental microbiology 21 (5), 1833-1846, 2019
Leveraging immonium ions for targeting acyl‐lysine modifications in proteomic datasets
JM Muroski, JY Fu, HH Nguyen, RR Ogorzalek Loo, JA Loo
Proteomics 21 (3-4), 2000111, 2021
Elucidating the molecular programming of a nonlinear non-ribosomal peptide synthetase responsible for fungal siderophore biosynthesis
M Jenner, Y Hai, HH Nguyen, M Passmore, W Skyrud, J Kim, NK Garg, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 2832, 2023
The acyl-proteome of Syntrophus aciditrophicus reveals metabolic relationships in benzoate degradation
JM Muroski, JY Fu, HH Nguyen, NQ Wofford, H Mouttaki, KL James, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 21 (4), 2022
N‐terminal autoprocessing and acetylation of multifunctional‐autoprocessing repeats‐in‐toxins (MARTX) Makes Caterpillars Floppy‐like effector is stimulated by adenosine …
A Herrera, J Muroski, R Sengupta, HH Nguyen, S Agarwal, ...
Cellular Microbiology 22 (2), e13133, 2020
Membrane complexes of Syntrophomonas wolfei involved in syntrophic butyrate degradation and hydrogen formation. Front Microbiol 7: 1795
BR Crable, JR Sieber, X Mao, L Alvarez-Cohen, R Gunsalus, ...
Corrigendum: CryoEM structure of the Methanospirillum hungatei archaellum reveals structural features distinct from the bacterial flagellum and type IV pilus
N Poweleit, P Ge, HH Nguyen, RRO Loo, RP Gunsalus, ZH Zhou
Nature Microbiology 2 (3), 16264, 2017
Leveraging immonium ions for identifying and targeting acyl-lysine modifications in proteomic datasets
JM Muroski, JY Fu, HH Nyugen, RR Ogorzalek Loo, JA Loo
bioRxiv, 2020.04. 20.052191, 2020
N-terminal autoprocessing and acetylation of MARTX Makes-Caterpillars Floppy-like effector is stimulated by ADP-Ribosylation Factor 1 in advance of Golgi fragmentation
A Herrera, J Muroski, R Sengupta, HH Nguyen, S Agarwal, RRO Loo, ...
Cellular microbiology 22 (2), e13133, 2019
An integrated native mass spectrometry and top-down proteomics method that connects
H Li, HH Nguyen, RR Ogorzalek Loo
Nature, 2018
Metabolite‐Driven Modifications: Protein Acylations Elucidate Substrate Metabolism in Syntrophic Bacteria
HHT Nguyen, PHN Nguyen, RP Gunsalus, MJ McInerney, JA Loo, ...
The FASEB Journal 30, 864.1-864.1, 2016
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Articles 1–20