Johan Bergenholtz
Johan Bergenholtz
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Multiple glassy states in a simple model system
KN Pham, AM Puertas, J Bergenholtz, SU Egelhaaf, A Moussaıd, ...
Science 296 (5565), 104-106, 2002
Successful reprogramming of cellular protein production through mRNA delivered by functionalized lipid nanoparticles
M Yanez Arteta, T Kjellman, S Bartesaghi, S Wallin, X Wu, AJ Kvist, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (15), E3351-E3360, 2018
Nonergodicity transitions in colloidal suspensions with attractive interactions
J Bergenholtz, M Fuchs
Physical Review E 59 (5), 5706, 1999
The non-Newtonian rheology of dilute colloidal suspensions
J Bergenholtz, JF Brady, M Vicic
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 456, 239-275, 2002
Gelation in model colloid− polymer mixtures
J Bergenholtz, WCK Poon, M Fuchs
Langmuir 19 (10), 4493-4503, 2003
Biomimetic nanoscale reactors and networks
M Karlsson, M Davidson, R Karlsson, A Karlsson, J Bergenholtz, ...
Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 55 (1), 613-649, 2004
eld, ME Cates, M. Fuchs and WCK Poon
KN Pham, AM Puertas, J Bergenholtz, SU Egelhaaf, A Moussaid, ...
Science 296, 104-106, 2002
Linear viscoelasticity of colloidal mixtures
G Nägele, J Bergenholtz
The Journal of chemical physics 108 (23), 9893-9904, 1998
Surface charge and interfacial potential of titanium dioxide nanoparticles: Experimental and theoretical investigations
JP Holmberg, E Ahlberg, J Bergenholtz, M Hassellöv, Z Abbas
Journal of colloid and interface science 407, 168-176, 2013
Formation of AOT/brine multilamellar vesicles
J Bergenholtz, NJ Wagner
Langmuir 12 (13), 3122-3126, 1996
Viscoelasticity and generalized Stokes–Einstein relations of colloidal dispersions
AJ Banchio, G Nägele, J Bergenholtz
The Journal of chemical physics 111 (18), 8721-8740, 1999
Hydrodynamic and colloidal interactions in concentrated charge-stabilized polymer dispersions
FM Horn, W Richtering, J Bergenholtz, N Willenbacher, NJ Wagner
Journal of colloid and interface science 225 (1), 166-178, 2000
Rheology and dynamics of colloidal suspensions
AJ Banchio, J Bergenholtz, G Nägele
Physical review letters 82 (8), 1792, 1999
Moving-wall-driven flows in nanofluidic systems
R Karlsson, M Karlsson, A Karlsson, AS Cans, J Bergenholtz, B Åkerman, ...
Langmuir 18 (11), 4186-4190, 2002
Viscosity, microstructure, and interparticle potential of AOT/H2O/n-decane inverse microemulsions
J Bergenholtz, AA Romagnoli, NJ Wagner
Langmuir 11 (5), 1559-1570, 1995
Colloidal gelation and non-ergodicity transitions
J Bergenholtz, M Fuchs, T Voigtmann
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12 (29), 6575, 2000
Cooperative diffusion in colloidal mixtures
G Nägele, J Bergenholtz, JKG Dhont
The Journal of chemical physics 110 (14), 7037-7052, 1999
Gel transitions in colloidal suspensions
J Bergenholtz, M Fuchs
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 11 (50), 10171, 1999
Concentration-and pH-dependence of highly alkaline sodium silicate solutions
J Nordström, E Nilsson, P Jarvol, M Nayeri, A Palmqvist, J Bergenholtz, ...
Journal of colloid and interface science 356 (1), 37-45, 2011
Small-angle neutron scattering on a core− shell colloidal system: a contrast-variation study
M Zackrisson, A Stradner, P Schurtenberger, J Bergenholtz
Langmuir 21 (23), 10835-10845, 2005
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Articles 1–20