Steven De Peuter
Steven De Peuter
University of Leuven, Sentiance
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Verdere validering van de Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) en vergelijking van twee Nederlandstalige versies
U Engelen, SD Peuter, A Victoir, IV Diest, O Van den Bergh
Gedrag en gezondheid 34, 61-70, 2006
Inaccurate perception of asthma symptoms: A cognitive–affective framework and implications for asthma treatment
T Janssens, G Verleden, S De Peuter, I Van Diest, O Van den Bergh
Clinical psychology review 29 (4), 317-327, 2009
Sigh rate and respiratory variability during mental load and sustained attention
E Vlemincx, J Taelman, S De Peuter, I Van Diest, O Van Den Bergh
Psychophysiology 48 (1), 117-120, 2011
Dyspnea: the role of psychological processes
S De Peuter, I Van Diest, V Lemaigre, G Verleden, M Demedts, ...
Clinical psychology review 24 (5), 557-581, 2004
Dyspnea perception in COPD: association between anxiety, dyspnea-related fear, and dyspnea in a pulmonary rehabilitation program
T Janssens, S De Peuter, L Stans, G Verleden, T Troosters, M Decramer, ...
Chest 140 (3), 618-625, 2011
Accuracy of respiratory symptom perception in different affective contexts
K Bogaerts, K Notebaert, I Van Diest, S Devriese, S De Peuter, ...
Journal of psychosomatic research 58 (6), 537-543, 2005
High symptom reporters are less interoceptively accurate in a symptom-related context
K Bogaerts, A Millen, W Li, S De Peuter, I Van Diest, E Vlemincx, ...
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 65 (5), 417-424, 2008
Understanding fear of pain in chronic pain: interoceptive fear conditioning as a novel approach
S De Peuter, I Van Diest, D Vansteenwegen, O Van den Bergh, ...
European journal of pain 15 (9), 889-894, 2011
Distorted symptom perception in patients with medically unexplained symptoms.
K Bogaerts, L Van Eylen, W Li, J Bresseleers, I Van Diest, S De Peuter, ...
Journal of abnormal psychology 119 (1), 226, 2010
Negative affectivity and enhanced symptom reports: Differentiating between symptoms in men and women
I Van Diest, S De Peuter, A Eertmans, K Bogaerts, A Victoir, ...
Social Science & Medicine 61 (8), 1835-1845, 2005
Avoidance behavior in chronic pain research: a cold case revisited
S Volders, Y Boddez, S De Peuter, A Meulders, JWS Vlaeyen
Behaviour research and therapy 64, 31-37, 2015
Autobiographical memory specificity and affect regulation: Coping with a negative life event
D Hermans, A De Decker, S De Peuter, F Raes, P Eelen, JMG Williams
Depression and Anxiety 25 (9), 787-792, 2008
Negative affectivity and the influence of suggestion on asthma symptoms
C Put, O Van den Bergh, E Van Ongeval, S De Peuter, M Demedts, ...
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 57 (3), 249-255, 2004
Can subjective asthma symptoms be learned?
S De Peuter, I Van Diest, V Lemaigre, W Li, G Verleden, M Demedts, ...
Psychosomatic Medicine 67 (3), 454-461, 2005
Why do you sigh? Sigh rate during induced stress and relief
E Vlemincx, I Van Diest, S De Peuter, J Bresseleers, K Bogaerts, ...
Psychophysiology 46 (5), 1005-1013, 2009
Illness-specific catastrophic thinking and overperception in asthma.
S De Peuter, V Lemaigre, I Van Diest, O Van den Bergh
Health Psychology 27 (1), 93, 2008
Negative affective pictures can elicit physical symptoms in high habitual symptom reporters
K Bogaerts, T Janssens, S De Peuter, I Van Diest, O Van den Bergh
Psychology and Health 25 (6), 685-698, 2010
Medically unexplained dyspnea: psychophysiological characteristics and role of breathing therapy
J Han, Y Zhu, S Li, D Luo, Z Hu, I Van Diest, S De Peuter, ...
Chinese medical journal 117 (01), 6-13, 2004
Accuracy of respiratory symptom perception in persons with high and low negative affectivity
O Van Den Bergh, W Winters, S Devriese, I Van Diest, G Vos, S De Peuter
Psychology & Health 19 (2), 213-222, 2004
Safety behavior can hamper the extinction of fear of movement-related pain: an experimental investigation in healthy participants
S Volders, A Meulders, S De Peuter, B Vervliet, JWS Vlaeyen
Behaviour research and therapy 50 (11), 735-746, 2012
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