Norsaremah Salleh
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Cited by
Empirical studies of pair programming for CS/SE teaching in higher education: A systematic literature review
N Salleh, E Mendes, J Grundy
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 37 (4), 509-525, 2010
The rise and evolution of agile software development
R Hoda, N Salleh, J Grundy
IEEE software 35 (5), 58-63, 2018
Systematic literature reviews in agile software development: A tertiary study
R Hoda, N Salleh, J Grundy, HM Tee
Information and software technology 85, 60-70, 2017
A systematic mapping study of mobile application testing techniques
S Zein, N Salleh, J Grundy
Journal of Systems and Software 117, 334-356, 2016
The effect of software engineers’ personality traits on team climate and performance: A Systematic Literature Review
AB Soomro, N Salleh, E Mendes, J Grundy, G Burch, A Nordin
Information and software technology 73, 52-65, 2016
Feature extraction approaches from natural language requirements for reuse in software product lines: A systematic literature review
NH Bakar, ZM Kasirun, N Salleh
Journal of Systems and Software 106, 132-149, 2015
Investigating the effects of personality traits on pair programming in a higher education setting through a family of experiments
N Salleh, E Mendes, J Grundy
Empirical Software Engineering 19, 714-752, 2014
Using visual text mining to support the study selection activity in systematic literature reviews
KR Felizardo, N Salleh, RM Martins, E Mendes, SG MacDonell, ...
2011 international symposium on empirical software engineering and …, 2011
An empirical study of the effects of personality in pair programming using the five-factor model
N Salleh, E Mendes, J Grundy, GSJ Burch
2009 3rd International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and …, 2009
An empirical study of the effects of conscientiousness in pair programming using the five-factor personality model
N Salleh, E Mendes, J Grundy, GSJ Burch
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software …, 2010
Experiences conducting systematic reviews from novices’ perspective
M Riaz, M Sulayman, N Salleh, E Mendes
14th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software …, 2010
Extracting features from online software reviews to aid requirements reuse
NH Bakar, ZM Kasirun, N Salleh, HA Jalab
Applied Soft Computing 49, 1297-1315, 2016
The relationship between personality and decision-making: A Systematic literature review
FF Mendes, E Mendes, N Salleh
Information and Software Technology 111, 50-71, 2019
The effects of neuroticism on pair programming: an empirical study in the higher education context
N Salleh, E Mendes, J Grundy, GSJ Burch
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM-IEEE international symposium on empirical …, 2010
Empirical studies of cloud computing in education: a systematic literature review
MS Ibrahim, N Salleh, S Misra
Computational Science and Its Applications--ICCSA 2015: 15th International …, 2015
Examining information disclosure behavior on social network sites using protection motivation theory, trust and risk
N Salleh, R Hussein, N Mohamed, NSA Karim, AR Ahlan, U Aditiawarman
Journal of Internet Social Networking & Virtual Communities 2012, 1, 2012
An empirical study of the factors influencing information disclosure behaviour in social networking sites
N Salleh, R Hussein, N Mohamed, U Aditiawarman
2013 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and …, 2013
The effects of openness to experience on pair programming in a higher education context
N Salleh, E Mendes, J Grundy
2011 24th IEEE-CS Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training …, 2011
A systematic review of pair programming research-initial results
N Salleh
Proc. New Zealand Computer Science Research Student Conference (NZCSRSC08 …, 2008
Insights on the relationship between decision-making style and personality in software engineering
F Mendes, E Mendes, N Salleh, M Oivo
Information and Software Technology 136, 106586, 2021
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Articles 1–20