Pisey Vong
Pisey Vong
School of Public Health, The National Institute of Public Health, Tuol Kork District, Phnom Penh
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Cited by
The association of socio-demographic and environmental factors on childhood diarrhea in Cambodia
V Pisey, P Banchonhattakit, W Laohasiriwong
F1000Research 9, 303, 2021
Unhygienic stool-disposal practices among mothers of children under five in Cambodia: Evidence from a demographic and health survey
P Vong, P Banchonhattakit, S Sim, C Pall, RS Dewey
Plos one 16 (7), e0249006, 2021
Mental health status and quality of life among Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand
W Laohasiriwong, P Chamroen, S Samphors, T Rachutorn, RS Dewey, ...
F1000Research 9 (1138), 1138, 2020
Association between socioeconomic factors and soft drink consumption among adults in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study
W Laohasiriwong, S Samphors, P Chamroen, V Pisey, RS Dewey
F1000Research 9, 708, 2021
Socio-demographic and lifestyle factors associated with understanding fast food consumption among adults in Cambodia
W Laohasiriwong, S Samphors, P Chamroen, RS Dewey, T Rachutorn, ...
F1000Research 9 (1121), 1121, 2020
Production and utilization of crop residues in Cambodia: rice straw, corn stalk, and cassava stem.
D Theng, L Lor, C Chhoem, K Sambath, P Vong, S Srour, V Chamroeun, ...
The association of socio-demographic and environmental factors on childhood diarrhea in Cambodia
P Vong, B Pannee, L Wongsa
F1000Research 9, 2021
Malaria risk factors amongst forest going populations in Mondulkiri Province and Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia: a large cross-sectional survey
I Chen, D Doum, DJ McIver, V Keo, P Vong, S Pech, V Meth, S Bun, K Pen, ...
Examining the relationship between health literacy and pesticide protective behaviors among farmers in Thailand
T Rachutorn, T Aeksanti, C Pall, V Tanamool, A Srisuwan, S Mok, ...
F1000Research 13, 1078, 2024
Supplementation of Water Spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) on the utilization of Mimosa pigra and Leucaena leucocephala leaf for in vitro fermentation
C Sambo, S Heng, P Vong, K Te, S Keo, M Seng, S Ven
Veterinary World 16 (1), 215, 2023
Cambodian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
P Vong, S Keo, C Chay, D Theng, R Phat, M Seng
CJAS 11 (01), 2022
Stakeholder perceptions of strategies to reduce fast food consumption in Cambodian adults
S Sim, P Chamroen, R S. Dewey, V Pisey
F1000Research 10, 970, 2021
Stakeholder perceptions of strategies to reduce fast foo d consumption in Cambodian adults [version 1; peer review
S Sim, P Chamroen, RS Dewey, V Pisey
Socio-demographic and lifestyle factors associated with understanding fast food consumption among adults in Cambodia
S Samphors, P Chamroen, R S Dewey, T Rachutorn, V Pisey
F1000Research 9, 2020
Influence of socio-demographic and environmental factors on
V Pisey, P Banchonhattakit
Association between socioeconomic factors and soft drink consumption among adults in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]
S Samphors, V Pisey, RS Dewey
Socio-demographic and lifestyle factors associated wit h understanding fast food consumption among adults in Cambodia [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]
S Samphors, P Chamroen, RS Dewey, T Rachutorn, V Pisey
Mental health status and quality of life among Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand [version 1; peer review: awaiting
P Chamroen, S Samphors, T Rachutorn, RS Dewey, V Pisey
Association between socioeconomic factors and sof t drink consumption among adults in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study [version 2; peer review: awaiting peer review]
W Laohasiriwong, S Samphors, P Chamroen, V Pisey, RS Dewey
Mental Health Problems and Determinants of Severe Depression among International Students of Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Y Qin, P Nippanon, V Pisey, W Laohasiriwong
Mental Health, 2019
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Articles 1–20