National Higher School of Electricity and Mechanics (ENSEM), Hassan II University of Casablanca
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Fuzzy logic control for wind energy conversion system based on DFIG
B Rached, M Elharoussi, E Abdelmounim
2019 International conference on wireless technologies, embedded and …, 2019
Design and investigations of MPPT strategies for a wind energy conversion system based on doubly fed induction generator
B Rached, M Elharoussi, E Abdelmounim
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 10 (5 …, 2020
DSP Implementation in the Loop of the Indirect Rotor Field Orientation control for the Three-Phase Asynchronous Machine
M Elhaissouf, E Lotfi, B Rached, M Elharoussi, A Barazzouk
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing and Wireless …, 2017
DSP in the loop implementation of sliding mode and super twisting sliding mode controllers combined with an extended Kalman observer for wind energy system involving a DFIG
B Rached, M Elharoussi, E Abdelmounim
International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON) 8 (1), 26-37, 2020
Control strategies for DFIG based on wind energy conversion system using RST and fuzzy logic controllers
B Rached, M Elharoussi, E Abdelmounim
2019 International Conference of Computer Science and Renewable Energies …, 2019
DSP in the loop implementation of a backstepping controller for wind energy conversion system based on a doubly fed induction generator connected to grid
B Rached, M Elharoussi, E Abdelmounim
International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON) 7 (4), 136, 2019
DSP implementation in the loop of the vector control drive of a permanent magnet synchronous machine
E Lotfi, B Rached, M Elhaissouf, M Elharoussi, E Abdelmounim
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing and Wireless …, 2017
Effects of Symmetrical Voltage Sags on Two Induction Motors System Coupled with An Elastic Web
M Bensaid, BAR Abdellfattah, M Elharoussi, B Rached
2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Control, Optimization …, 2020
DSP in the loop Implementation of the Control of a DFIG Used in Wind Power System
B Rached, M Bensaid, M Elharoussi, E Abdelmounim
2020 1st International Conference on Innovative Research in Applied Science …, 2020
Design and DSP implementation in HIL of nonlinear observers for a doubly fed induction aero-generator
B Rached, M Elharoussi, E Abdelmounim, M Bensaid
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 12 (3), 1340-1351, 2023
Multi-drive electric vehicle system control using backstepping strategy
M Bensaid, B Rached, M Elharoussi, A Ba-Razzouk
2020 1st International Conference on Innovative Research in Applied Science …, 2020
Attenuation of voltage sags effects and dynamic performance improvement of a multi-motor system
B Mounir, A Ba-Razzouk, M Elharoussi, B Rached
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) 13 (2 …, 2022
A hybrid fuzzy-Sliding mode control of a grid connected dfig based wind power system
B Rached, M Elharoussi, E Abdelmounim, M Bensaid
2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Control, Optimization …, 2020
Hybrid nonlinear control strategies for performance enhancement of a doubly-fed induction aero-generator: design and DSP implementation
B Rached, M Elharoussi, E Abdelmounim
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) 12 (3 …, 2021
New Dynamic Fuzzy High Gain Observer Combined with a Nonlinear Control Approach for Performance Enhancement in WECS Based on DFIG: Design and DSP Implementation
EA B.Rached, M.Elharoussi
International Review of Automatic Control (IREACO) 14 (5), 2021
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Articles 1–15