Professor Angela Martin
Professor Angela Martin
Menzies Institute for Medical Research, University of Tasmania, Australia
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Cited by
Cited by
Organizational behavior: Emerging knowledge and practice for the real world
SL McShane, MAV Glinow
McGraw-Hill, 2010
Psychological ownership: A review and research agenda
S Dawkins, AW Tian, A Newman, A Martin
Journal of Organizational Behavior 38 (2), 163-183, 2017
Workplace mental health: developing an integrated intervention approach
AD LaMontagne, A Martin, KM Page, NJ Reavley, AJ Noblet, AJ Milner, ...
BMC psychiatry 14, 1-11, 2014
A systematic review and meta-analysis of workplace mindfulness training randomized controlled trials.
L Bartlett, A Martin, AL Neil, K Memish, P Otahal, M Kilpatrick, ...
Journal of occupational health psychology 24 (1), 108, 2019
Building on the positives: A psychometric review and critical analysis of the construct of P sychological C apital
S Dawkins, A Martin, J Scott, K Sanderson
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 86 (3), 348-370, 2013
The role of psychological climate in facilitating employee adjustment during organizational change
AJ Martin, ES Jones, VJ Callan
European journal of work and organizational psychology 14 (3), 263-289, 2005
Meta-analysis of the effects of health promotion intervention in the workplace on depression and anxiety symptoms
A Martin, K Sanderson, F Cocker
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 7-18, 2009
The work-family interface: A retrospective look at 20 years of research in JOHP.
TD Allen, A Martin
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 22 (3), 259, 2017
Psychological health of doctoral candidates, study-related challenges and perceived performance
KM Barry, M Woods, E Warnecke, C Stirling, A Martin
Higher Education Research & Development 37 (3), 468-483, 2018
Predicting nurses’ well‐being from job demands and resources: a cross‐sectional study of emotional labour
Journal of Nursing Management 20 (4), 502-511, 2011
Mothers' work–family conflict and enrichment: Associations with parenting quality and couple relationship
AR Cooklin, E Westrupp, L Strazdins, R Giallo, A Martin, JM Nicholson
Child: care, health and development 41 (2), 266-277, 2015
Putting the leader back into authentic leadership: Reconceptualising and rethinking leaders
JA Crawford, S Dawkins, A Martin, G Lewis
Australian Journal of Management 45 (1), 114-133, 2020
The psychosocial work environment, employee mental health and organizational interventions: Improving research and practice by taking a multilevel approach
A Martin, M Karanika‐Murray, C Biron, K Sanderson
Stress and health 32 (3), 201-215, 2016
Psychological distress, related work attendance, and productivity loss in small-to-medium enterprise owner/managers
F Cocker, A Martin, J Scott, A Venn, K Sanderson
International journal of environmental research and public health 10 (10 …, 2013
Workplace mental health: An international review of guidelines
K Memish, A Martin, L Bartlett, S Dawkins, K Sanderson
Preventive medicine 101, 213-222, 2017
Advancing conceptualization and measurement of psychological capital as a collective construct
S Dawkins, A Martin, J Scott, K Sanderson
Human Relations 68 (6), 925-949, 2015
We don't need more leaders–We need more good leaders. Advancing a virtues-based approach to leader (ship) development
T Newstead, S Dawkins, R Macklin, A Martin
The Leadership Quarterly 32 (5), 101312, 2021
Fathers at work: Work–family conflict, work–family enrichment and parenting in an Australian cohort
AR Cooklin, EM Westrupp, L Strazdins, R Giallo, A Martin, JM Nicholson
Journal of family issues 37 (11), 1611-1635, 2016
COVID-19 related occupational stress in teachers in Ireland
E Minihan, D Adamis, M Dunleavy, A Martin, B Gavin, F McNicholas
International Journal of Educational Research Open 3, 100114, 2022
What matters for working fathers? Job characteristics, work-family conflict and enrichment, and fathers' postpartum mental health in an Australian cohort
AR Cooklin, R Giallo, L Strazdins, A Martin, LS Leach, JM Nicholson
Social Science & Medicine 146, 214-222, 2015
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Articles 1–20