R. Jason Jones
R. Jason Jones
Professor, Wyant College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona
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Broadband cavity ringdown spectroscopy for sensitive and rapid molecular detection
MJ Thorpe, KD Moll, RJ Jones, B Safdi, J Ye
Science 311 (5767), 1595-1599, 2006
Phase-coherent frequency combs in the vacuum ultraviolet via high-harmonic generation inside a femtosecond enhancement cavity
RJ Jones, KD Moll, MJ Thorpe, J Ye
Physical Review Letters 94 (19), 193201, 2005
Delivery of high-stability optical and microwave frequency standards over an optical fiber network
J Ye, JL Peng, RJ Jones, KW Holman, JL Hall, DJ Jones, SA Diddams, ...
JOSA B 20 (7), 1459-1467, 2003
Stabilization of femtosecond lasers for optical frequency metrology and direct optical to radio frequency synthesis
RJ Jones, JC Diels
Physical review letters 86 (15), 3288, 2001
Mode-locked fiber laser frequency-controlled with an intracavity electro-optic modulator
DD Hudson, KW Holman, RJ Jones, ST Cundiff, J Ye, DJ Jones
Optics letters 30 (21), 2948-2950, 2005
Plasmonic nano-structures for optical data storage
M Mansuripur, AR Zakharian, A Lesuffleur, SH Oh, RJ Jones, ...
Optics Express 17 (16), 14001-14014, 2009
Plasmonic Nano-structures for Optical Data Storage
M Mansuripur, AR Zakharian, A Lesuffleur, SH Oh, RJ Jones, ...
Proc. of SPIE Vol 7505, 75050I-1, 2009
Femtosecond pulse amplification by coherent addition in a passive optical cavity
RJ Jones, J Ye
Optics letters 27 (20), 1848-1850, 2002
Stabilization of the frequency, phase, and repetition rate of an ultra-short pulse train to a Fabry–Perot reference cavity
RJ Jones, JC Diels, J Jasapara, W Rudolph
Optics communications 175 (4-6), 409-418, 2000
Detailed studies and control of intensity-related dynamics of femtosecond frequency combs from mode-locked Ti: sapphire lasers
KW Holman, RJ Jones, A Marian, ST Cundiff, J Ye
IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 9 (4), 1018-1024, 2003
Output coupling methods for cavity-based high-harmonic generation
KD Moll, R Jason Jones, J Ye
Optics Express 14 (18), 8189-8197, 2006
Optimizing intracavity high harmonic generation for XUV fs frequency combs
J Lee, DR Carlson, RJ Jones
Optics Express 19 (23), 23315-23326, 2011
Precise measurements of optical cavity dispersion and mirror coating properties via femtosecond combs
MJ Thorpe, RJ Jones, KD Moll, J Ye, R Lalezari
Optics Express 13 (3), 882-888, 2005
Precision stabilization of femtosecond lasers to high-finesse optical cavities
R Jason Jones, I Thomann, J Ye
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 69 (5), 051803, 2004
High-repetition-rate coherent femtosecond pulse amplification with an external passive optical cavity
RJ Jones, J Ye
Optics letters 29 (23), 2812-2814, 2004
Dual-comb spectroscopy of laser-induced plasmas
J Bergevin, TH Wu, J Yeak, BE Brumfield, SS Harilal, MC Phillips, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 1273, 2018
Picosecond-pulse amplification with an external passive optical cavity
EO Potma, C Evans, XS Xie, RJ Jones, J Ye
Optics letters 28 (19), 1835-1837, 2003
Intracavity ionization and pulse formation in femtosecond enhancement cavities
DR Carlson, J Lee, J Mongelli, EM Wright, RJ Jones
Optics letters 36 (15), 2991-2993, 2011
Intensity-related dynamics of femtosecond frequency combs
KW Holman, RJ Jones, A Marian, ST Cundiff, J Ye
Optics letters 28 (10), 851-853, 2003
Generation of few-cycle pulses from an amplified carbon nanotube mode-locked fiber laser system
K Kieu, RJ Jones, N Peyghambarian
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 22 (20), 1521-1523, 2010
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Articles 1–20