Elizabeth R Hopper
Elizabeth R Hopper
The Lubrizol Corporation
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Cited by
Tents, chairs, tacos, kites, and rods: Shapes and plasmonic properties of singly twinned magnesium nanoparticles
J Asselin, C Boukouvala, ER Hopper, QM Ramasse, JS Biggins, E Ringe
ACS nano 14 (5), 5968-5980, 2020
Size control in the colloidal synthesis of plasmonic magnesium nanoparticles
ER Hopper, TMR Wayman, J Asselin, B Pinho, C Boukouvala, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (1), 563-577, 2021
Decoration of plasmonic Mg nanoparticles by partial galvanic replacement
J Asselin, C Boukouvala, Y Wu, ER Hopper, SM Collins, JS Biggins, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 151 (24), 2019
Opportunities and challenges for alternative nanoplasmonic metals: magnesium and beyond
ER Hopper, C Boukouvala, J Asselin, JS Biggins, E Ringe
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (26), 10630-10643, 2022
Improving the stability of plasmonic magnesium nanoparticles in aqueous media
J Asselin, ER Hopper, E Ringe
Nanoscale 13 (48), 20649-20656, 2021
Plasmonic magnesium nanoparticles decorated with palladium catalyze thermal and light-driven hydrogenation of acetylene
V Lomonosov, TMR Wayman, ER Hopper, YP Ivanov, G Divitini, E Ringe
Nanoscale 15 (16), 7420-7429, 2023
Seed-mediated synthesis of monodisperse plasmonic magnesium nanoparticles
V Lomonosov, ER Hopper, E Ringe
Chemical Communications 59 (37), 5603-5606, 2023
On the identification of twinning in body-centred cubic nanoparticles
ER Hopper, C Boukouvala, DN Johnstone, JS Biggins, E Ringe
Nanoscale 12 (43), 22009-22013, 2020
Synthesis of Controllable Cu Shells on Au Nanoparticles with Electrodeposition: A Systematic in Situ Single Particle Study
M Elabbadi, C Boukouvala, ER Hopper, J Asselin, E Ringe
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 (10), 5044-5053, 2023
Beyond simple crystal systems: Identifying twinning in body-centered tetragonal nanoparticles
C Boukouvala, ER Hopper, DM Kelly, PJ Knight, JS Biggins, E Ringe
Crystal Growth & Design 22 (1), 653-660, 2021
Bimetallic copper palladium nanorods: plasmonic properties and palladium content effects
A Ten, CA West, S Jeong, ER Hopper, Y Wang, B Zhu, QM Ramasse, ...
Nanoscale Advances 5 (23), 6524-6532, 2023
Far-field, near-field and photothermal response of plasmonic twinned magnesium nanostructures
C Boukouvala, CA West, A Ten, E Hopper, QM Ramasse, JS Biggins, ...
Nanoscale 16 (15), 7480-7492, 2024
Controlling the synthesis of plasmonic magnesium nanoparticles and understanding crystal structures beyond face-centred cubic
E Hopper
Supplementary information for On the identification of twinning in body-centred cubic nanoparticles
ER Hopper, C Boukouvala, DN Johnstone, JS Biggins, E Ringe
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