Ian A. Wright
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Measuring the impact of sewage effluent on the macroinvertebrate community of an upland stream: the effect of different levels of taxonomic resolution and quantification
IA Wright, BC Chessman, PG Fairweather, LJ Benson
Australian Journal of Ecology 20 (1), 142-149, 1995
A new type of water pollution: concrete drainage infrastructure and geochemical contamination of urban waters
IA Wright, PJ Davies, SJ Findlay, OJ Jonasson
Marine and Freshwater Research 62 (12), 1355-1361, 2011
Impact of concrete and PVC pipes on urban water chemistry
PJ Davies, IA Wright, OJ Jonasson, SJ Findlay
Urban Water Journal 7 (4), 233-241, 2010
Environmental impact of coal mining and coal seam gas production on surface water quality in the Sydney basin, Australia
A Ali, V Strezov, P Davies, I Wright
Environmental monitoring and assessment 189, 1-16, 2017
Impact of mining and industrial pollution on stream macroinvertebrates: importance of taxonomic resolution, water geochemistry and EPT indices for impact detection
IA Wright, MM Ryan
Hydrobiologia 772 (1), 103-115, 2016
Impact of urban development on aquatic macroinvertebrates in south eastern Australia: degradation of in-stream habitats and comparison with non-urban streams
PJ Davies, IA Wright, SJ Findlay, OJ Jonasson, S Burgin
Aquatic Ecology 44, 685-700, 2010
Rapid assessment of rivers using macroinvertebrates: case studies in the Nepean River and Blue Mountains, NSW
JE Crowns, BC Chessman, PK McEvoy, IA Wright
Australian Journal of Ecology 20 (1), 130-141, 1995
Increased water pollution after closure of Australia’s longest operating underground coal mine: a 13-month study of mine drainage, water chemistry and river ecology
IA Wright, K Paciuszkiewicz, N Belmer
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 229, 1-20, 2018
Coal mine water pollution and ecological impairment of one of Australia’s most ‘protected’high conservation-value rivers
IA Wright, N Belmer, PJ Davies
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 228, 1-18, 2017
Is catchment imperviousness a keystone factor degrading urban waterways? A case study from a partly urbanised catchment (Georges River, south-eastern Australia)
C Tippler, IA Wright, A Hanlon
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 223, 5331-5344, 2012
Effects of organic and heavy metal pollution on chironomids within a pristine upland catchment
IA Wright, S Burgin
Hydrobiologia 635, 15-25, 2009
Subsidence from an underground coal mine and mine wastewater discharge causing water pollution and degradation of aquatic ecosystems
IA Wright, B McCarthy, N Belmer, P Price
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 226, 1-14, 2015
River sediment quality assessment using sediment quality indices for the Sydney basin, Australia affected by coal and coal seam gas mining
A Ali, V Strezov, PJ Davies, I Wright
Science of the total environment 616, 695-702, 2018
An interdisciplinary approach to designing online learning: Fostering pre-service mathematics teachers’ capabilities in mathematical modelling
V Geiger, J Mulligan, L Date-Huxtable, R Ahlip, DH Jones, EJ May, ...
ZDM 50, 217-232, 2018
Comparison of sewage and coal-mine wastes on stream macroinvertebrates within an otherwise clean upland catchment, southeastern Australia
IA Wright, S Burgin
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 204, 227-241, 2009
The influence of concrete on the geochemical qualities of urban streams
C Tippler, IA Wright, PJ Davies, A Hanlon
Marine and Freshwater Research 65 (11), 1009-1017, 2014
Environmental protection and management: A water pollution case study within the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, Australia
IA Wright, S Wright, K Graham, S Burgin
Land use policy 28 (1), 353-360, 2011
Invasive weeds in urban riparian zones: the influence of catchment imperviousness and soil chemistry across an urbanization gradient
C Grella, A Renshaw, IA Wright
Urban Ecosystems 21, 505-517, 2018
Sarcoptes mange (Sarcoptes scabiei) increases diurnal activity of bare-nosed wombats (Vombatus ursinus) in an agricultural riparian environment
P Borchard, DJ Eldridge, IA Wright
Mammalian Biology 77, 244-248, 2012
Water quality impact from the discharge of coal mine wastes to receiving streams: comparison of impacts from an active mine with a closed mine
P Price, IA Wright
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 227, 1-17, 2016
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Articles 1–20