Anne Delagnes
Anne Delagnes
Directrice de Recherche au CNRS
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Late Pliocene hominid knapping skills: the case of Lokalalei 2C, West Turkana, Kenya
A Delagnes, H Roche
Journal of human Evolution 48 (5), 435-472, 2005
Early hominid stone tool production and technical skill 2.34 Myr ago in West Turkana, Kenya
H Roche, A Delagnes, JP Brugal, C Feibel, M Kibunjia, V Mourre, ...
Nature 399 (6731), 57-60, 1999
Shifts in Neandertal mobility, technology and subsistence strategies in western France
A Delagnes, W Rendu
Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (8), 1771-1783, 2011
A late middle stone age artifact assemblage from Sibudu (KwaZulu-Natal): comparisons with the European middle Paleolithic
P Villa, A Delagnes, L Wadley
Journal of Archaeological Science 32 (3), 399-422, 2005
Klipdrift shelter, southern Cape, South Africa: preliminary report on the Howiesons Poort layers
CS Henshilwood, KL van Niekerk, S Wurz, A Delagnes, SJ Armitage, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 45, 284-303, 2014
Diversity of lithic production systems during the Middle Paleolithic in France: are there any chronological trends?
A Delagnes, L Meignen
Transitions before the transition: evolution and stability in the Middle …, 2006
Les sites archéologiques plio-pléistocènes de la formation de Nachukui, Ouest-Turkana, Kenya: bilan synthétique 1997–2001
H Roche, JP Brugal, A Delagnes, C Feibel, S Harmand, M Kibunjia, S Prat, ...
Comptes Rendus Palevol 2 (8), 663-673, 2003
Les technocomplexes du Paléolithique moyen en Europe occidentale dans leur cadre diachronique et géographique
A Delagnes, J Jaubert, L Meignen
Les neandertaliens. Biologie et cultures, 213-229, 2007
Inland human settlement in southern Arabia 55,000 years ago. New evidence from the Wadi Surdud Middle Paleolithic site complex, western Yemen
A Delagnes, C Tribolo, P Bertran, M Brenet, R Crassard, J Jaubert, ...
Journal of human evolution 63 (3), 452-474, 2012
The still Bay and Howiesons Poort at Sibudu and Blombos: Understanding middle stone age technologies
S Soriano, P Villa, A Delagnes, I Degano, L Pollarolo, JJ Lucejko, ...
PLoS One 10 (7), e0131127, 2015
First occurrence of early Homo in the Nachukui formation (West Turkana, Kenya) at 2.3-2.4 Myr
S Prat, JP Brugal, JJ Tiercelin, JA Barrat, M Bohn, A Delagnes, ...
Journal of human evolution 49 (2), 230-240, 2005
Les retouchoirs en os d’Artenac (couche 6c): perspectives archéozoologiques
D Armand, A Delagnes
J.-Ph. Brugal, L. Meignen, M. Patou-Mathis (Ed.), Economie préhistorique …, 1998
Patterns of lithic material procurement and transformation during the Middle Paleolithic in Western Europe
L Meignen, A Delagnes, L Bourguignon
Lithic materials and Paleolithic societies, 15-24, 2009
Interpreting pachyderm single carcass sites in the African Lower and Early Middle Pleistocene record: A multidisciplinary approach to the site of Nadung’a 4 (Kenya)
A Delagnes, A Lenoble, S Harmand, JP Brugal, S Prat, JJ Tiercelin, ...
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 25 (4), 448-465, 2006
Systèmes de production lithique, gestion des outillages et territoires au Paléolithique moyen: où se trouve la complexité
L Bourguignon, A Delagnes, L Meignen
Normes techniques et pratiques sociales. De la simplicité des outillages pré …, 2006
Crystal quartz backed tools from the Howiesons Poort at Sibudu Cave
A Delagnes, L Wadley, P Villa, M Lombard
Southern African Humanities 18 (1), 43-56, 2006
Can lithic attribute analyses identify discrete reduction trajectories? A quantitative study using refitted lithic sets
EML Scerri, B Gravina, J Blinkhorn, A Delagnes
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 23, 669-691, 2016
The emergence of the Middle Palaeolithic in north-western Europe and its southern fringes
D Hérisson, M Brenet, D Cliquet, MH Moncel, J Richter, B Scott, ...
Quaternary International 411, 233-283, 2016
Early evidence for the extensive heat treatment of silcrete in the Howiesons Poort at Klipdrift Shelter (Layer PBD, 65 ka), South Africa
A Delagnes, P Schmidt, K Douze, S Wurz, L Bellot-Gurlet, NJ Conard, ...
PloS one 11 (10), e0163874, 2016
L'organisation de la production lithique au paléolithique moyen: approche technologique à partir de l'étude des industries de la Chaise-de-Vouthon, Charente
A Delagnes
Paris 10, 1992
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Articles 1–20