Paulo C. Dias
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Ansiedade, depressão e estresse em estudantes universitários: o impacto da COVID-19
BR Maia, PC Dias
Estudos de psicologia (Campinas) 37, e200067, 2020
Versão portuguesa da Escala de Dificuldades de Regulação Emocional e sua relação com sintomas psicopatológicos
J Coutinho, E Ribeiro, R Ferreirinha, P Dias
Archives of Clinical Psychiatry (São Paulo) 37, 145-151, 2010
Conceptualización teórica de la resiliencia psicosocial y su relación con la salud
JA García del Castillo Rodríguez, Á García del Castillo López, ...
Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. Instituto de Investigación de …, 2016
Protective factors and resilience in adolescents: The mediating role of self-regulation
PC Dias, I Cadime
Psicologia educativa 23 (1), 37-43, 2017
Anxiety, depression and stress in university students: the impact of COVID-19
BR Maia, PC Dias
Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas) 37, e200067, 2020
Nomophobia and lifestyle: Smartphone use and its relationship to psychopathologies
S Gonçalves, P Dias, AP Correia
Computers in Human Behavior Reports 2, 100025, 2020
Predictors of academic performance and school engagement—Integrating persistence, motivation and study skills perspectives using person-centered and variable-centered approaches
PAS Moreira, P Dias, FM Vaz, JM Vaz
Learning and Individual Differences 24, 117-125, 2013
Effects of personal and professional factors on teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion in preschool
PC Dias, I Cadime
European journal of special needs education 31 (1), 111-123, 2016
Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Student Engagement Instrument
PAS Moreira, F Machado Vaz, PC Dias, P Petracchi
Canadian Journal of School Psychology 24 (4), 303-317, 2009
Plagiarism phenomenon in European countries: Results from GENIUS project
PC Dias, ASC Bastos
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 116, 2526-2531, 2014
El uso de las TIC y herramientas de la Web 2.0 por maestros portugueses de la educación primaria y educación especial: la importancia de las competencias personales
C García, P Días, A Sorte, J Díaz-Pérez, AR Leal, M Gandra
Profesorado, Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado 18 (1), 241-255, 2014
Auto-regulação, resiliência e consumo de substâncias na adolescência: contributos da adaptação do questionário reduzido de auto-regulação
PC Dias, JA Castillo
Psicologia, Saúde e Doenças 10 (2), 205-216, 2009
A autoeficácia dos professores para a implementação de práticas inclusivas: contributos para uma reflexão sobre a inclusão educativa1
PC Dias
Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação 25, 7-25, 2017
Risk factors for gambling disorder: A systematic review
D Moreira, A Azeredo, P Dias
Journal of gambling studies 39 (2), 483-511, 2023
Análisis relacional entre los factores de protección, resiliencia, autorregulación y consumo de drogas
JAG del Castillo, P Días
Salud y drogas 1 (1), 309-332, 2007
Predictors of primary school teachers’ knowledge about developmental dyscalculia
P Sousa, PC Dias, I Cadime
European journal of special needs education 32 (2), 204-220, 2017
Zinc-induced decrease of the thermal stability and regeneration of rhodopsin
LJ del Valle, E Ramon, X Canavate, P Dias, P Garriga
Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (7), 4719-4724, 2003
The adolescent self-regulatory inventory (ASRI) adaptation to Portuguese context
PC Dias, JAG del Castillo, KL Moilanen
Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto) 24, 155-164, 2014
Social networks as tools for the prevention and promotion of health among youth
JAG Del Castillo, ÁG del Castillo-López, PC Dias, F García-Castillo
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica 33, 13, 2020
Bienestar, calidad de vida y regulación afectiva en adolescentes portugueses
PC Dias, AS Bastos, JC Marzo, JAG del Castillo Rodríguez
Atención primaria 48 (7), 432-439, 2016
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Articles 1–20