María Elisa Fait
María Elisa Fait
Universidad Nacional de La Plata - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
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Cited by
Cationic surfactants as antifungal agents
ME Fait, L Bakas, GL Garrote, SR Morcelle, MCN Saparrat
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 103, 97-112, 2019
Biocatalytic synthesis, antimicrobial properties and toxicity studies of arginine derivative surfactants
ME Fait, GL Garrote, P Clapés, S Tanco, J Lorenzo, SR Morcelle
Amino Acids 47, 1465-1477, 2015
Microvesicle release and micellar attack as the alternative mechanisms involved in the red-blood-cell-membrane solubilization induced by arginine-based surfactants
ME Fait, M Hermet, F Comelles, P Clapés, HA Alvarez, E Prieto, V Herlax, ...
RSC advances 7 (60), 37549-37558, 2017
Antifungal activity of arginine-based surfactants
ME Fait, HPS da Costa, CDT Freitas, L Bakás, SR Morcelle
Current Bioactive Compounds 15 (3), 351-359, 2019
Biocatalytic characterization of a naturally immobilized lipase found in Araujia sericifera Brot.(Apocynaceae) latex
P Di Santo Meztler, ME Fait, ML Foresti, SR Morcelle
Catalysis Science & Technology 4 (5), 1386-1394, 2014
Volume expansion of erythrocytes is not the only mechanism responsible for the protection by arginine-based surfactants against hypotonic hemolysis
ME Fait, M Hermet, R Vazquez, S Mate, MAD Millone, ME Vela, ...
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 171, 134-141, 2018
Screening of novel materials for biodiesel production through the esterification of oleic acid
SR Matkovic, JF Nilsson, ME Fait, SR Morcelle, LE Briand
Catalysis Letters 146, 2341-2347, 2016
Interaction of cationic surfactants with DPPC membranes: effect of a novel Nα-benzoylated arginine-based compound
M Hermet, M Elisa Fait, RF Vazquez, S Mate, MA Daza Millone, ...
Amino acids 53 (4), 609-619, 2021
Arginine-based surfactants alter the rheological and in-plane structural properties of stratum corneum model membranes
M Hermet, YR Espinosa, ME Fait, YMZ Díaz, S Morcelle, LS Bakás, ...
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 631, 224-238, 2023
Application of a multienzymatic system from natural latex in key reactions for oil-based biorefineries
DA Sánchez, SR Morcelle, ME Fait, GM Tonetto, ML Ferreira
Fermentation 5 (1), 18, 2019
Estrategias ecoamigables para el desarrollo de tensioactivos multifuncionales derivados de aminoácidos con aplicaciones farmacéuticas y cosméticas
ME Fait, SR Morcelle del Valle
Academia Nacional de Farmacia y Bioquímica, 2016
Producción de un agente antimicrobiano con potencial actividad tensioactiva mediante el empleo de tecnologías amigables con el medio ambiente
ME Fait, GL Garrote, P Clapés, SR Morcelle del Valle
Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, 2012
Biocidal and antibiofilm activities of arginine-based surfactants against Candida isolates
ME Fait, PD Grillo, GL Garrote, ED Prieto, RF Vázquez, MCN Saparrat, ...
Amino Acids 55 (9), 1083-1102, 2023
Obtención de tensiactivos biodegradables a partir de estrategias catalíticas combinadas
P Grillo, ME Fait, CLL Suster, V Vetere, S Morcelle
Jornadas en Ciencias Aplicadas" Dr. Jorge Ronco" 4 (1), 2023
Candidicidal Effect of Arginine-based Surfactants
ME Fait, P Grillo, GL Garrote, E Prieto, RF Vázquez, MCN Saparrat, ...
Surfactantes derivados de aminoácidos: obtención mediante biocatálisis y propiedades
PD Grillo, A Prat, M Hermet, A Sabatié, GP Di Santo Meztler, ME Fait, ...
Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Químicas y …, 2021
Antibacterial activity of N (alpha)-benzoylarginine-based surfactants and their possible mechanism of action
M Hermet, ME Fait, P Di Santo Meztler, A Prat, RF Vazquez, SM Maté, ...
The Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS), 2020
Caracterización de la actividad antifúngica y antiadhesiva de tensioactivos derivados de arginina frente a levaduras del género candida
ME Fait, LS Bakás, SR Morcelle del Valle
Investigación Joven 6, 2019
J Cotabarren, M Corti, MCN Saparrat, AA Scilingo, CI Muglia, ...
Investigación de materiales inorgánicos y enzimáticos orientada a la generación de biodiesel
SR Matkovica, JF Nilssona, SRM del Valleb, ME Faitb, LE Brianda
Jornadas en Ciencias Aplicadas" Dr. Jorge Ronco" 1 (1), 2017
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Articles 1–20