Vinicius Fernandes dos Santos
Vinicius Fernandes dos Santos
Departamento de Ciência da Computação, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
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Cited by
Qubit allocation
MY Siraichi, VF Santos, C Collange, FMQ Pereira
Proceedings of the 2018 international symposium on code generation and …, 2018
Qubit allocation as a combination of subgraph isomorphism and token swapping
MY Siraichi, VF Santos, C Collange, FMQ Pereira
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 3 (OOPSLA), 1-29, 2019
A strategy for clustering students minimizing the number of bus stops for solving the school bus routing problem
JFM Sarubbi, CMR Mesquita, EF Wanner, VF Santos, CM Silva
NOMS 2016-2016 IEEE/IFIP network operations and management symposium, 1175-1180, 2016
An upper bound on the P3-Radon number
MC Dourado, D Rautenbach, VF dos Santos, PM Schäfer, JL Szwarcfiter, ...
Discrete Mathematics 312 (16), 2433-2437, 2012
On the Carathéodory number of interval and graph convexities
MC Dourado, D Rautenbach, VF Dos Santos, PM Schäfer, JL Szwarcfiter
Theoretical Computer Science 510, 127-135, 2013
On the equitable total chromatic number of cubic graphs
S Dantas, CMH de Figueiredo, G Mazzuoccolo, M Preissmann, ...
Discrete Applied Mathematics 209, 84-91, 2016
The convexity of induced paths of order three and applications: complexity aspects
RT Araújo, RM Sampaio, VF dos Santos, JL Szwarcfiter
Discrete Applied Mathematics 237, 33-42, 2018
Parameterized Complexity of Equitable Coloring
G Gomes, CVGC Lima, VF Santos
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 21, 2019
On the total coloring of generalized Petersen graphs
S Dantas, CMH de Figueiredo, G Mazzuoccolo, M Preissmann, ...
Discrete mathematics 339 (5), 1471-1475, 2016
Complexity aspects of the computation of the rank of a graph
I Ramos, VF Santos, JL Szwarcfiter
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 16, 2014
Algorithmic and structural aspects of the P 3-Radon number
MC Dourado, D Rautenbach, VF dos Santos, PM Schäfer, JL Szwarcfiter, ...
Annals of Operations Research, 1-17, 2013
Combining rules and proportions: A multiobjective approach to algorithmic composition
HB Lopes, FVC Martins, RTN Cardoso, VF dos Santos
2017 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC), 2282-2289, 2017
On the geodetic rank of a graph
MM Kanté, RM Sampaio, VF dos Santos, JL Szwarcfiter
Journal of Combinatorics 8 (2), 323-340, 2017
On the Radon Number for P 3-Convexity
MC Dourado, D Rautenbach, VF dos Santos, PM Schäfer, JL Szwarcfiter, ...
LATIN 2012: Theoretical Informatics: 10th Latin American Symposium, Arequipa …, 2012
Disconnected matchings
GCM Gomes, BP Masquio, PED Pinto, VF dos Santos, JL Szwarcfiter
Theoretical Computer Science 956, 113821, 2023
On recognition of threshold tolerance graphs and their complements
PA Golovach, P Heggernes, N Lindzey, RM McConnell, VF dos Santos, ...
Discrete Applied Mathematics 216, 171-180, 2017
Structural parameterizations for equitable coloring
GCM Gomes, MR Guedes, VF dos Santos
Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics, 129-140, 2020
On the computational complexity of closest genome problems
LFI Cunha, P Feijão, VF dos Santos, LAB Kowada, CMH de Figueiredo
Discrete Applied Mathematics 274, 26-34, 2020
Uma introdução à complexidade parametrizada
VF dos Santos, U dos Santos Souza
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2015
A fix‐and‐optimize heuristic for the minmax regret shortest path arborescence problem under interval uncertainty
IA Carvalho, TF Noronha, C Duhamel, LFM Vieira, VF Santos
International Transactions in Operational Research 30 (2), 1120-1143, 2023
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Articles 1–20