Yusheng Fu
Cited by
Cited by
Multi-feature fusion and enhancement single shot detector for traffic sign recognition
Y Jin, Y Fu, W Wang, J Guo, C Ren, X Xiang
IEEE access 8, 38931-38940, 2020
Sql injection detection for web applications based on elastic-pooling cnn
X Xie, C Ren, Y Fu, J Xu, J Guo
IEEE Access 7, 151475-151481, 2019
Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgM detection with a GMR based LFIA system
Q Bayin, L Huang, C Ren, Y Fu, X Ma, J Guo
Talanta 227, 122207, 2021
Biomarkers detection with magnetoresistance-based sensors
C Ren, Q Bayin, S Feng, Y Fu, X Ma, J Guo
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 165, 112340, 2020
Blood cholesterol monitoring with smartphone as miniaturized electrochemical analyzer for cardiovascular disease prevention
Y Fu, J Guo
IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 12 (4), 784-790, 2018
Microfluidics-based microwave sensor
L Dai, X Zhao, J Guo, S Feng, Y Fu, Y Kang, J Guo
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 309, 111910, 2020
Active microparticle manipulation: Recent advances
K Cheng, J Guo, Y Fu, J Guo
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 322, 112616, 2021
Lab-on-PCB-based micro-cytometer for circulating tumor cells detection and enumeration
Y Fu, Q Yuan, J Guo
Microfluidics and nanofluidics 21, 1-4, 2017
Magnetophoresis in microfluidic lab: Recent advance
P Su, C Ren, Y Fu, J Guo, J Guo, Q Yuan
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 332, 113180, 2021
A review on microfluidics in the detection of food pesticide residues
B Xu, J Guo, Y Fu, X Chen, J Guo
Electrophoresis 41 (10-11), 821-832, 2020
Synthetic aperture radar imaging principle
Y Pi, J Yang, Y Fu, XB Yang
University of Electronic Science and Technology Press, Chengdu, 2007
Flexible antenna design on PDMS substrate for implantable bioelectronics applications
Y Fu, J Lei, X Zou, J Guo
Electrophoresis 40 (8), 1186-1194, 2019
Controllable droplet generation at a microfluidic T-junction using AC electric field
AJT Teo, M Yan, J Dong, HD Xi, Y Fu, SH Tan, NT Nguyen
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 24, 1-9, 2020
Webshell detection based on the word attention mechanism
T Li, C Ren, Y Fu, J Xu, J Guo, X Chen
IEEE Access 7, 185140-185147, 2019
Development of flexible electronic biosensors for healthcare engineering
Y Zhao, J Yan, J Cheng, Y Fu, J Zhou, J Yan, J Guo
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023
Hybrid intrusion detection model based on a designed autoencoder
Y Hou, Y Fu, J Guo, J Xu, R Liu, X Xiang
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 14 (8), 10799-10809, 2023
A low-cost paper-based blood urea nitrogen optical biosensor for renal surveillance in fingertip blood
J Cheng, Y Fu, J Guo, J Guo
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 387, 133795, 2023
Surface plasmonic biosensors: principles, designs and applications
H Liu, Y Fu, R Yang, J Guo, J Guo
Analyst 148 (24), 6146-6160, 2023
Web application attack detection based on attention and gated convolution networks
J Li, Y Fu, J Xu, C Ren, X Xiang, J Guo
IEEE Access 8, 20717-20724, 2019
Magnetic nanoprobe-enabled lateral flow assays: recent advances
Y Zhao, J Sang, Y Fu, J Guo, J Guo
Analyst 148 (15), 3418-3431, 2023
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