Jacob Westhoff
Jacob Westhoff
USGS Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
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A global review of freshwater crayfish temperature tolerance, preference, and optimal growth
JT Westhoff, AE Rosenberger
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 26, 329-349, 2016
Distribution of the imperiled Williams' crayfish (Orconectes williamsi) in the White River drainage of Missouri: Associations with multi-scale environmental variables
JT Westhoff, JA Guyot, RJ DiStefano
The American midland naturalist 156 (2), 273-288, 2006
Climate change simulations predict altered biotic response in a thermally heterogeneous stream system
JT Westhoff, CP Paukert
PLoS One 9 (10), e111438, 2014
Behavioural thermoregulation and bioenergetics of riverine smallmouth bass associated with ambient cold‐period thermal refuge
JT Westhoff, C Paukert, S Ettinger‐Dietzel, H Dodd, M Siepker
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 25 (1), 72-85, 2016
Efficiency of a quadrat sampling technique for estimating riffle-dwelling crayfish density
ER Larson, RJ DiStefano, DD Magoulick, JT Westhoff
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28 (4), 1036-1043, 2008
Resource selection and space use of a native and an invasive crayfish: evidence for competitive exclusion?
JT Westhoff, CF Rabeni
Freshwater Science 32 (4), 1383-1397, 2013
Efficacy of artificial refuge to enhance survival of young Barrens topminnows exposed to western mosquitofish
JT Westhoff, AV Watts, HT Mattingly
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 23 (1), 65-76, 2013
Movement and habitat selection patterns of smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu in an Ozark river
SA Ettinger-Dietzel, HR Dodd, JT Westhoff, MJ Siepker
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 31 (1), 61-75, 2016
Mortality and growth of crayfish internally tagged with PIT tags
JT Westhoff, NA Sievert
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33 (5), 878-881, 2013
Range expansion by an invasive crayfish and subsequent range contraction of imperiled endemic crayfish in Missouri (USA) Ozark streams
RJ DiStefano, JT Westhoff
Freshwater Crayfish 18 (1), 37-44, 2011
The distributions of one invasive and two native crayfishes in relation to coarse‐scale natural and anthropogenic factors
JT Westhoff, CF Rabeni, SP Sowa
Freshwater Biology 56 (12), 2415-2431, 2011
A Comparison of eDNA and Visual Survey Methods for Detection of Longnose Darter Percina nasuta in Missouri
JT Westhoff, LK Berkman, KE Klymus, NL Thompson, CA Richter
Fishes 7 (2), 70, 2022
Linking multiple aspects of thermal performance to explore the potential for thermal resource partitioning between a native and an invasive crayfish
JT Westhoff, HA Abdelrahman, CJ Rice, JA Stoeckel
Journal of Thermal Biology 97, 102864, 2021
Investigation of an invasive crayfish and its relation to two imperiled native crayfishes; anthropogenic influences, multi-scale habitat associations, and conservation options
JT Westhoff
University of Missouri-Columbia, 2011
Life History of the Vulnerable Endemic Crayfish Cambarus (Erebicambarus) Maculatus (Decapoda: Astacoidea: Cambaridae) in Missouri, USA
RJ DiStefano, JT Westhoff, CW Ames, AE Rosenberger
Journal of Crustacean Biology 36 (5), 615-627, 2016
Do environmental changes or juvenile competition act as mechanisms of species displacement in crayfishes?
JT Westhoff, RJ Distefano, DD Magoulick
Hydrobiologia 683, 43-51, 2012
Use of multiple temperature logger models can alter conclusions
JB Whittier, JT Westhoff, CP Paukert, RM Rotman
Water 12 (3), 668, 2020
Life history of the endemic saddleback crayfish, Faxonius medius (Faxon, 1884),(Decapoda: Cambaridae) in Missouri, USA
RJ DiStefano, JT Westhoff, CJ Rice, AE Rosenberger
Freshwater Crayfish 24 (1), 1-13, 2019
Barrens Topminnow Coexistence with Invasive Western Mosquitofish: the Potential Roles of Artificial Refuge and Species Density: A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the …
JT Westhoff
Tennessee Technological University, 2007
The smaller, the better? First evaluation of growth and mortality in crayfish internally tagged with p-Chips
AF Huber, WA Fitzsimmons, JT Westhoff
Journal of Crustacean Biology 43 (4), ruad071, 2023
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Articles 1–20