Frank Henrik Hesping
Cited by
Cited by
Purchasing strategy development: A multi-level review
FH Hesping, H Schiele
Journal of purchasing and supply management 21 (2), 138-150, 2015
Matching tactical sourcing levers with the Kraljič matrix: Empirical evidence on purchasing portfolios
FH Hesping, H Schiele
International journal of production economics 177, 101-117, 2016
Sourcing tactics to achieve cost savings: developing a formative method of measurement
FH Hesping, H Schiele
International journal of procurement management 9 (4), 473-504, 2016
Tactics at the category level of purchasing and supply management: sourcing levers, contingencies and performance
F Hesping
Towards a framework for strategy in purchasing: German and English language literature
F Hesping, H Schiele
Supply Management Research: Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse 2013, 57-86, 2013
Tactics for Cost Reduction and Innovation: Empirical Evidence at the Category Level
F Hesping
Supply Management Research: Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse 2017, 17-33, 2017
Tactics at the category level of purchasing
F Hesping, H Schiele
Innovation-oriented sourcing tactics: empirical evidence
F Hesping, H Schiele
Testing the relationship between sourcing lever and performance: The moderating role of the buyer’s task environment at the sourcing category level
F Hesping
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Articles 1–9