Daniela Braun
Daniela Braun
Professor of Political Science, Saarland University
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The impact of the euro crisis on citizens‧ support for the European Union
D Braun, M Tausendpfund
Coping with crisis: Europe’s challenges and strategies, 37-50, 2016
Political trust, extra-representational participation and the openness of political systems
D Braun, S Hutter
International Political Science Review 37 (2), 151-165, 2016
What type of Europe? The salience of polity and policy issues in European Parliament elections
D Braun, S Hutter, A Kerscher
European Union Politics 17 (4), 570-592, 2016
Responding to the crisis: Eurosceptic parties of the left and right and their changing position towards the European Union
D Braun, S Popa, H Schmitt
European Journal of Political Research 58 (3), 797-819, 2019
This time it was different? The salience of the Spitzenkandidaten system among European parties
D Braun, SA Popa
West Europen Politics 41 (5), 1125-1145, 2018
Different emphases, same positions? The election manifestos of political parties in the EU multilevel electoral system compared.
D Braun, H Schmitt
Party Politics 26 (5), 640-650, 2020
Einstellungen gegenüber Immigranten und die Zustimmung zur Europäischen Integration: Eine Mehrebenenanalyse
D Braun, N Seher, M Tausendpfund, A Wolsing
MZES-Mannheimer Zentrum für europäische Sozialforschung, 2010
It All Happens at Once: Understanding Electoral Behaviour in Second-Order Elections
H Schmitt, A Sanz, D Braun, E Teperoglou
Politics and Governance 8 (1), 6-18, 2020
Put in the spotlight or largely ignored? Emphasis on the Spitzenkandidaten by political parties in their online campaigns for European elections
D Braun, T Schwarzbözl
Journal of European Public Policy 26 (3), 428-445, 2019
Politische Legitimität
D Braun, H Schmitt
Politische Soziologie: Ein Studienbuch, 53-81, 2009
Informing the public: How party communication builds opportunity structures
SA Popa, Z Fazekas, D Braun, MM Leidecker-Sandmann
Political Communication 37 (3), 329-349, 2020
The reshaping of political conflict over Europe: from pre-Maastricht to post-‘Euro crisis’
C Schäfer, SA Popa, D Braun, H Schmitt
West European Politics 44 (3), 531-557, 2021
Issues that mobilize Europe. The role of key policy issues for voter turnout in the 2019 European Parliament election
D Braun, C Schäfer
European Union Politics, 2022
Politisches Vertrauen und neue Demokratien
D Braun
Politisches Vertrauen in neuen Demokratien, 2013
Politicizing Europe in Elections to the European Parliament (1994–2019): The Crucial Role of Mainstream Parties
D Braun, E Grande
Journal of Common Market Studies, 2021
European election study 2004
H Schmitt, S Bartolini, W Van Der Brug, C Van Der Eijk, M Franklin, ...
Design, Data Description and Documentation, 2009
European Parliament Election Study 2009, Manifesto Study
D Braun, S Mikhaylov, H Schmitt
GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA5057 Data file Version 1 (0), 2010
Euromanifesto Documentation
D Braun, M Salzwedel, C Stumpf, AM Wüst
Mannheim: MZES, 2007
The Europeanness of the 2019 European Parliament elections and the mobilising power of European issues
D Braun
Politics 41 (4), 451-466, 2021
[Die Version 1.0. 0 der Datenbank von] European Parliament Election Study 2014, Euromanifesto Study
H Schmitt, D Braun, SA Popa, S Mikhaylov, F Dwinger
GESIS Data Archive, 2016
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Articles 1–20