Rafed Sabbar Abbas
Rafed Sabbar Abbas
Assist Prof, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kufa
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Cited by
Smart data packet ad hoc routing protocol
SH Amin, HS Al-Raweshidy, RS Abbas
Computer Networks 62, 162-181, 2014
An estimation of primary user's SNR for spectrum sensing in cognitive radios
H Al-Hmood, RS Abbas, A Masrub, HS Al-Raweshidy
Third International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH …, 2013
Extended α-η-μ fading distribution: Statistical properties and applications
H Al-Hmood, RS Abbas, H Al-Raweshidy
IEEE Access 10, 109803-109813, 2022
Cooperative sensing for dynamic spectrum access in Cognitive Wireless Mesh Networks
A Masrub, RS Abbas, H Al-Hmood, M Iqbal, HS Al-Raweshidy
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and …, 2013
New multicast switch and algorithm to increase network capacity
RS Abbas, HS Al-Raweshidy, N Radhi, E Alabdulkreem
2012 19th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), 1-6, 2012
Ratio of products of mixture gamma variates with applications to wireless communications
H Al-Hmood, RS Abbas, HS Al-Raweshidy
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.10826, 2020
Wavelengths switching and allocation algorithms in multicast technology using m-arity tree networks topology
RS Abbas
Brunel University London, 2014
High QoS and low cost wavelength allocation protocol in optical network using multicast technology
RS Abbas, A Masrub, SH Amin, HS Al-Raweshidy
Third International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH …, 2013
Capacity Evaluation of κ–μ Shadowed Fading with Various Adaptive Power Transmission Policies
H Al-Hmood, RS Abbas, H Al-Raweshidy
2022 2nd International Conference on Advances in Engineering Science and …, 2022
Simple PDF of the sum and maximum of non‐identical fluctuating two‐ray variates
H Al‐Hmood, RS Abbas, H Al‐Raweshidy
Electronics Letters 58 (16), 633-635, 2022
Number of wavelengths required in m‐arity tree networks
RS Abbas, N Al‐Aboody, HS Al‐Raweshidy
Electronics Letters 50 (24), 1855-1857, 2014
New multicast switch-based multicast wavelength allocation algorithm to increase network capacity
RS Abbas, H Al-Raweshidy
2012 International Conference on Future Communication Networks, 164-169, 2012
A Distributed Algorithm in WDM Network to Increase Network Capacity and Minimize Conversion Range
RS Abbas, H Al-Hmood, SH Amin, HS Al-Raweshidy
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Articles 1–13