Ghee Young Noh
Ghee Young Noh
Distinguished Professor, Media School, Hallym University
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The role of wishful identification, emotional engagement, and parasocial relationships in repeated viewing of live-streaming games: A social cognitive theory perspective
JS Lim, MJ Choe, J Zhang, GY Noh
Computers in Human Behavior 108, 106327, 2020
The impact of social media on risk perceptions during the MERS outbreak in South Korea
DH Choi, W Yoo, GY Noh, K Park
Computers in Human Behavior 72, 422-431, 2017
Determinants of adoption of smartphone health apps among college students
J Cho, MM Quinlan, D Park, GY Noh
American journal of health behavior 38 (6), 860-870, 2014
Smoking cessation apps for smartphones: content analysis with the self-determination theory
J Choi, GY Noh, DJ Park
Journal of medical Internet research 16 (2), e44, 2014
The influence of social media use on attitude toward suicide through psychological well-being, social isolation, and social support
DH Choi, GY Noh
Information, communication & society 23 (10), 1427-1443, 2020
Effects of gain-versus loss-framed performance feedback on the use of fitness apps: Mediating role of exercise self-efficacy and outcome expectations of exercise
JS Lim, GY Noh
Computers in Human Behavior 77, 249-257, 2017
블로그의 매체경쟁에 관한 연구: 관계지향 블로그와 정보지향 블로그의 적소분석을 통한 경쟁분석: 관계지향 블로그와 정보지향 블로그의 적소분석을 통한 경쟁분석
노기영, 이미영
한국언론학보 49 (3), 318-345, 2005
Theory, economics, measurement, and the principle of relative constancy
S Lacy, GY Noh
Journal of Media Economics 10 (3), 3-16, 1997
한국 신문사의 이념과 북한 보도방식에 대한 연구
김경희, 노기영
한국언론학보 55 (1), 361-387, 2011
The impact of emotion and government trust on individuals’ risk information seeking and avoidance during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-country comparison
J Ahn, HK Kim, LA Kahlor, L Atkinson, GY Noh
Journal of Health Communication 26 (10), 728-741, 2021
Combined Model of Technology Acceptance and Innovation Diffusion Theory for Adoption of Smartwatch.
MJ Choe, GY Noh
International Journal of contents 14 (3), 2018
A study on relationships between health literacy, disease-related knowledge and compliance to medical recommendations in patients with hypertension
MS Kwon, GY Noh, JH Jang
Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing 27 (1), 190-202, 2013
Exploring factors influencing smokers’ information seeking for smoking cessation
GY Noh, SY Lee, J Choi
Journal of health communication 21 (8), 845-854, 2016
Media functionality and the principle of relative constancy: An explanation of the VCR aberration
GY Noh, AE Grant
Journal of Media Economics 10 (3), 17-31, 1997
Emerging infectious disease content in newspaper editorials: Public health concern or leadership issue?
M You, J Joo, E Park, GY Noh, Y Ju
Science Communication 39 (3), 313-337, 2017
Psychological factors influencing continuous use of mobile healthcare applications
LS Lee, SH Lee, JS Jeong, KY Noh
Journal of Digital Convergence 15 (7), 445-456, 2017
An Experimental of the Effects of User Experience and Driving Attitude on Driving Simulation Game in Virtual Environment
JH Bae, JJ Kim, GY Noh
Journal of Korea Game Society 15 (3), 7-18, 2015
인터넷 건강정보 추구에 대한 확장된 기술수용모델: 건강의식, 정보신뢰, 자율성욕구의 역할: 건강의식, 정보신뢰, 자율성욕구의 역할
노기영, 최정화, 권명순
한국방송학보 27 (5), 49-85, 2013
A test of extended technology acceptance model on health information seeking on the internet
GY Noh, J Choi, MS Kwon
Korean Journal of Broadcasting and Telecommunication Studies 27 (5), 49-85, 2013
Extended technology acceptance model of VR head-mounted display in early stage of diffusion
HJ Jang, GY Noh
Journal of Digital Convergence 15 (5), 353-361, 2017
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Articles 1–20