Runhai Feng
Runhai Feng
Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
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Imputation of missing well log data by random forest and its uncertainty analysis
R Feng, D Grana, N Balling
Computers & Geosciences 152, 104763, 2021
An unsupervised deep-learning method for porosity estimation based on poststack seismic data
R Feng, T Mejer Hansen, D Grana, N Balling
Geophysics 85 (6), M97-M105, 2020
Bayesian convolutional neural networks for seismic facies classification
R Feng, N Balling, D Grana, JS Dramsch, TM Hansen
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 59 (10), 8933-8940, 2021
Uncertainty quantification in fault detection using convolutional neural networks
R Feng, D Grana, N Balling
Geophysics 86 (3), M41-M48, 2021
Estimation of reservoir porosity based on seismic inversion results using deep learning methods
R Feng
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 77, 103270, 2020
Improving uncertainty analysis in well log classification by machine learning with a scaling algorithm
R Feng
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 196, 107995, 2021
Lithofacies classification of a geothermal reservoir in Denmark and its facies-dependent porosity estimation from seismic inversion
R Feng, N Balling, D Grana
Geothermics 87, 101854, 2020
Reservoir lithology classification based on seismic inversion results by hidden Markov models: Applying prior geological information
R Feng, SM Luthi, D Gisolf, E Angerer
Marine and Petroleum Geology 93, 218-229, 2018
Reservoir lithology determination by hidden Markov random fields based on a Gaussian mixture model
R Feng, SM Luthi, D Gisolf, E Angerer
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (11), 6663-6673, 2018
Variational inference in Bayesian neural network for well-log prediction
R Feng, D Grana, N Balling
Geophysics 86 (3), M91-M99, 2021
Lithofacies classification based on a hybrid system of artificial neural networks and hidden Markov models
R Feng
Geophysical Journal International 221 (3), 1484-1498, 2020
Application of Bayesian generative adversarial networks to geological facies modeling
R Feng, D Grana, T Mukerji, K Mosegaard
Mathematical Geosciences 54 (5), 831-855, 2022
Uncertainty analysis in well log classification by Bayesian long short-term memory networks
R Feng
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205, 108816, 2021
Obtaining a high-resolution geological and petrophysical model from the results of reservoir-orientated elastic wave-equation-based seismic inversion
R Feng, SM Luthi, D Gisolf, S Sharma
Petroleum Geoscience 23 (3), 376-385, 2017
Unsupervised learning elastic rock properties from pre-stack seismic data
R Feng
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 192, 107237, 2020
A Bayesian approach in machine learning for lithofacies classification and its uncertainty analysis
R Feng
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 18 (1), 18-22, 2020
Simulating reservoir lithologies by an actively conditioned Markov chain model
R Feng, SM Luthi, D Gisolf
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 15 (3), 800-815, 2018
Stochastic facies inversion with prior sampling by conditional generative adversarial networks based on training image
R Feng, K Mosegaard, D Grana, T Mukerji, TM Hansen
Mathematical Geosciences 56 (4), 665-690, 2024
An outcrop-based detailed geological model to test automated interpretation of seismic inversion results
R Feng, S Sharma, SM Luthi, A Gisolf
77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2015 2015 (1), cp-451-00628, 2015
Interpretations of gravity and magnetic anomalies in the Songliao Basin with Wavelet Multi-scale Decomposition
C Li, L Wang, B Sun, R Feng, Y Wu
Frontiers of Earth Science 9, 427-436, 2015
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Articles 1–20